Celebrating 20 years of IEM (22-23 January)
1st Session - 3rd Cycle of International and Interdisciplinary Webinars: “Dialogues of Art, History, and Law”. Org. IEM NOVA FCSH (16 February)
Medieval Session - 1st Session - “Prelo Prints: Revivendo a Arte da Impressão Manual”. Coord.: Carlos Alves – Medieval (21 February)
Colloquium “Moradas de nobreza no Portugal medieval e moderno”. Org.: IEM – NOVA FCSH, Fundação das Casas Fronteira e Alorna (7-8 March)
International Conference "El papado y los reinos hispánicos en la Edad Media". Org. Universidade Complutense, IEM – NOVA FCSH (12-14 March)
IEM Conference: “Pastos comunales y lugares de reunión en la Edad Media a través de la Arqueologìa” | Margarita Fernández Mier. Org. Direção IEM (19 March)
2nd Session - 3rd Cycle of International and Interdisciplinary Webinars: “Dialogues of Art, History, and Law”. Org. IEM NOVA FCSH (26 March)
Medieval Session - 2nd Session - “Cultural mediation: the “superpower” of the next decade of heritage policy”. Coord.: Carlos Alves – Medieval (10 April)
3rd Session - 3rd Cycle of International and Interdisciplinary Webinars: “Dialogues of Art, History, and Law”. Org. IEM NOVA FCSH (3 May)
59th Internacional Congress on Medieval Studies. Org. Medieval Institute at Western Michigan University. (9 to 11 May)
4th Session | 3rd Cycle of International and Interdisciplinary Webinars: “Dialogues of Art, History, and Law”. Org. IEM NOVA FCSH (21 June)
Medieval Session - 3rd Session - “Culture Access: do we know our impact?”. Coord.: Carlos Alves – Medieval (26 June)
International Medieval Congress 2024. Org. University of Leeds, UK. (1 to 4 July)
III International Colloquium “Islamic Mysticism in al-Andalus: Gnosis, Norm and Transgression”. Org. IEM NOVA FCSH and ARHIS/UMU (2 and 3 July)
1st Medieval Hunting Meeting: human-canis relations. Org. IEM NOVA FCSH (18 and 19 July)
Colloquium “Sob a égide de Fernão Lopes”. Org. IEM NOVA FCSH (12 September)
International Colloquium “A Nova Lisboa Medieval”. Org.: Direção IEM, Catarina Tente, Isabel Barros Dias, João Luís Fontes, Luís Filipe Oliveira, Mário Farelo, Miguel Gomes Martins e Miguel Metelo de Seixas. (23 to 25 September)
Castelo de Vide Medieval Studies Week | IX International Conference on the Middle Ages: Urban societies in medieval Europe. Org. IEM NOVA FCSH, Castelo de Vide City Hall (3-5 October)
International Conference: “Letters of Grant of Arms: heraldry, illumination, codicology, archivistics, law and art”. Org. IEM NOVA FCSH (10-12 October)
International Colloquium “Virtudes nobiliárquicas em contexto ibérico: teoria e prática (entre o medievo e a modernidade)”. Org. DEXVIR Project, Paulo Lopes and Miguel Metelo de Seixas - IEM NOVA FCSH. (21 and 22 November)
Colloquium “Como a água que corre. Em torno da obra de Luís Krus”. Org. Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian and IEM NOVA FCSH. (22 November)
1st José Mattoso Forum. Org. IEM NOVA FCSH and Câmara Municipal de Leiria. (30 November)
IEM Conference: “How should archaeologists study medieval houses? Some examples from England” | Marc Gardiner. Org. Direção IEM (13 December)
Workshop Academic Grant/Career Training, with Cátia Antunes (Universidade de Leiden) (9 January)
Webinar “Da escolha da base de dados à estratégia para preservação digital", with Nelson Gonçalves (17 January)
Latim Medieval Workshop, by Joana Serafim (26 January to 12 April)
4th Session - Seminar Cycle “Rethinking the Archive(s)/ Repensar o(s) Arquivo(s)”. Org.: VINCULUM Project (8 February)
1st session | Seminar in Medieval Studies: "A religiosidade das mulheres: práticas e contextos", by Filomena Andrade (6 March)
5th Session - Seminar Cycle “Rethinking the Archive(s)/ Repensar o(s) Arquivo(s)”. Org.: VINCULUM Project (6 March)
2nd session | Seminar in Medieval Studies: The relevance of studying the Liturgy in a Cistercian context, by Catarina Fernandes Barreira (3 April)
6th Session - Seminar Cycle “Rethinking the Archive(s)/ Repensar o(s) Arquivo(s)”. Org.: VINCULUM Project (4 April)
Open Class: “Abd al-Mu’min and the Almohade movement” - by Maribel Fierro (3 May)
3rd session | Seminar in Medieval Studies: Cistercian nuns in troubadour lyric, by Luís Rêpas (8 May)
Workshop Christians in al-Andalus. Urban and Rural Communities. Org. IEM NOVA FCSH e Escuela de Estudios Arabes (EEA-CSIC). (3 and 4 de June)
4th session | Seminar in Medieval Studies: The Papacy seen from the ground: aspects of apostolic interventionism in the kingdom of Portugal (1309-1417), by Mário Farelo (5 June)
SOCLOC International Seminar: “Practices, meanings, and uses of material culture in local societies”. Org. IEM NOVA FCSH and UPA/EHU. (6 and 7 June)
5th Session | Medieval Studies Seminar: What is Landscape, by Enrique Cerrillo Cuenca (26 September)
Castelo de Vide Medieval Studies Week | Autumn School of Medieval Studies 2024. Org.: IEM NOVA FCSH, Castelo de Vide City Hall (1-2 October)
6th Session | Medieval Studies Seminar: Paisagens documentais, paisagens documentadas. Um excurso rumo à reconstrução das espacialidades monásticas medievais, by Rolando Volzone (23 October)
Archeology lecture | Renáta Přichystalová. (11 November)
7th Session | Medieval Studies Seminar: How military orders understand the Landscape, by Luís Filipe Oliveira (4 December)
8th Session | Medieval Studies Seminar: Landscape in historical sources, by André Marques (11 December)
Medievalista n.º35 - New issue online (1 January)
Medievalista n.º36 - New issue online (1 July)
Launch of the book “In the time of the Vikings”. Saída de Emergência editions. (8 September)
Launch of the book “Foral da Portagem de Lisboa. Estudo introdutório e transcrição”. Org. IEM NOVA FCSH, Câmara Municipal de Lisboa e Edições Colibri (29 September)
Launch of the book “Religions in medieval urban Europe”. Org. IEM NOVA FCSH, Câmara Municipal de Castelo de Vide (3 October)
Launch of the e-book “Bread, meat and water in medieval Lisbon. Documentary memories”. Org. Arquivo Municipal de Lisboa, IEM NOVA FCSH. (9 October)
Launch of the book Tombo do Município de Óbidos. Org. IEM NOVA FCSH and Óbidos City Council. (20 October)
IEM Visiting Scholar Day | 2024. Org. IEM - NOVA FCSH (23 May)
Open Day Marie Curie IFs@FCSH – with the IEM participation. Coord: DAI – NOVA FCSH (27 May)
3rd Edition Film Cycle “Light and Shadow. Representations of the Middle Ages in cinema”. Org. IEM NOVA FCSH and Tokyo University of Foreign Studies (23 June to 7 July)
Bibliographic Exhibition “A ‘espantosa realidade’ da História” | José Mattoso. Org. BNP and IEM NOVA FCSH (10 July to 12 October)
Doctoral Retreat of the Doctoral Program in Medieval Studies 2024. Org. UAb. co-org IEM NOVA FCSH (15 to 19 July)
IEM Doctoral Student Day 2024. Org. DIR IEM NOVA FCSH. (16 July)
Cycle of Conversations “Medieval Leiria”. Org. IEM NOVA FCSH and Leiria Municipality (19 to 21 de July)
IEM celebrates 50 years of April 25th. Org. IEM NOVA FCSH (20 September)
European Researchers’ Night. (27 September)
Days of the Middle Ages. Org.: IEM NOVA FCSH; C.M. de Lisboa – CAL, GEO, Arquivo Municipal; EGEAC (27 to 29 Setember)
Historical recreation of Palio de Faenza. Org. CHAM NOVA FCSH, IEM NOVA FCSH. (4 October)
Medieval in Arronches. Org. IEM and Project Raiya Viva. (26 and 27 October)
2nd IEM Visiting Scholar Day | 2024. Org. IEM - NOVA FCSH (30 October)