
Medieval Session
“Prelo Prints: Revivendo a Arte da Impressão Manual”

After Medieval organized a series of sessions in 2023 where we had the opportunity to invite entrepreneurial projects in the fields of historical sciences and heritage communication to explain their growth and relationship with the university environment, in 2024 we want to continue organizing these sessions, now under the theme: projects with impact (“Projetos com […]

5th Session | Seminar Cycle “Rethinking the Archive(s)/ Repensar o(s) Arquivo(s)”

The 5th session of the Seminar Cycle “Rethinking the Archive(s)/ Repensar o(s) Arquivo(s)” will be held on March 6th at 2:30 p.m. The communication “Archives, records and information / Arquivos, documentos e informação”, will be presented by Geoffrey Yeo (University College London), with L. S. Ascensão de Macedo (Centro de Estudos Clássicos – FLUL) comments.

1st Session | Medieval Studies Seminar: Women’s religiosity: practices and contexts

On March 6, 2024, the 1st Session of the 2024 Medieval Studies Seminar will take place online, via Zoom. Dedicated to the theme “Women's religiosity: practices and contexts”, this session will be led by Filomena Andrade (CEHR- UCP / IEM – FCSH-UNL). With a degree in History from the Faculdade de Letras (UL) and a master's and doctorate […]

Colloquium “Moradas de nobreza no Portugal medieval e moderno”

Palácio Fronteira, Lisboa Largo São Domingos de Benfica 01, Lisboa, Lisboa, Portugal

In recent years, research into the noble house in Portugal has received varied contributions from different disciplinary areas – History, Art History, Architecture, Archivistics, Tourism, among others. The majority of these studies are published, while others are preserved in libraries and archives, as is the example of academic works, such as doctoral theses and master’s […]

International Congress “El papado y los reinos hispánicos en la Edad Media”

Universidade Complutense de Madrid Madrid, Espanha

The International Congress "El Papado y los Kingdoms Hispánicos en la Edad Media" will take place from 12th to 14th March at the Universidade Complutense, Facultad de Geografía e Historia, Salón de Grados, Madrid (Spain). Throughout the medieval period, papal power became one of Europe's main instances of power. The figure of the Pope was […]

2nd Session | 3rd Cycle of International and Interdisciplinary Webinars: “Dialogues of Art, History, and Law”

The 2nd Session will take place on March 26, 2024, via the Zoom platform (link to be made available). This session will be coordinated by Maria Alessandra Bilotta (IEM–NOVA FCSH), and dedicated to the theme “Port Cities and Illuminated Legal Manuscripts“. It will also feature the communication by Federica Volpera (Dr. Independent Researcher, PhD from […]

6th Session | Seminar Cycle “Rethinking the Archive(s)/ Repensar o(s) Arquivo(s)”

The 6th and last session of the Seminar Cycle “Rethinking the Archive(s)/ Repensar o(s) Arquivo(s)” will be held on April 4th at 2:30 p.m. The communication “Colonial archives: spaces of knowledge and power / O arquivo colonial: lugar de saber e de poder”, will be presented by Charles Jeurgens (Universidade de Amesterdão), with Ana Canas (Arquivo […]

2nd Medieval Session: “Cultural mediation: the “superpower” of the next decade of heritage policy”

The Medieval session is back for its 2nd session! After the first session, in which we presented an extraordinary impact project related to historical recreation, the second session now focuses on social impact and the power of cultural mediation. We're honored to have Catarina Valença Gonçalves, the esteemed founder of SPIRA and the mastermind behind renowned […]

Open Class: “Abd al-Mu’min and the Almohade movement” | Maribel Fierro

NOVA FCSH (Campus da Av. de Berna) Av. de Berna, n.º 26C, Lisboa

On May 3, 2024, at noon, in Amphitheater 3, in tower B of FCSH (Avenida de Berna, 26 C), an open class will take place on the theme "Abd-al Mumin e o Movimento almóada", offered by Professor Maribel Fierro, currently one of the most prominent experts on the Almohad world and al-Andalus from these extraordinary […]