2nd Medieval Session | “Cultural mediation: the “superpower” of the next decade of heritage policy”
10.04.2024 | 16:00 - 17:30
Online Session (Zoom plataform)

The Medieval session is back for its 2nd session!
After the 1st session, we presented an extraordinary impact project related to historical recreation; the 2nd session now focuses on social impact and the power of cultural mediation.
We invited Catarina Valença Gonçalves, founder of SPIRA and creator of emblematic projects on the national scene such as Rota do Fresco, patrimonio.pt, the Bienal Ibérica do Património Cultural, or the Estudo “Património Cultural em Portugal: Avaliação do Valor Económico e Social” to tell us about her experience and present some of her inspiring projects.
The second session will take place on April 10th, at 4:00 p.m., online via Zoom, and will feature the presentation of the communication “Cultural mediation: the “super-power” of the next decade of heritage policy“.