
IEM-FCT Projects

IEM as a host entity

Beauty and the meaning of color in Portuguese medieval illuminated manuscripts
FRONTOWNS – Think big on small frontier towns: Alto Alentejo and Alta Extremadura leonesa (13th – 16th centuries)
Books, rituals and spaces in a Cistercian nunnery. Living, praying and reading in Lorvão Abbey, 13th – 16th centuries

IEM as a host entity (concluded)

CISTERHOR – Cistercian horizons. Studying and characterising a medieval scriptorium and its production: Alcobaça. Local identities and liturgical uniformity in dialogue
FALCO – Hypothesising Human-Animal Relations in Medieval Portugal
INVENTARQ – Family Archive Inventory Project, 15th-19th centuries: on managing and establishing lost memories. Rethinking the pre-modern archive
JUSCOM – Meet the judge (Justice and communities in a transitional period: 1481-1580)
LITTERA – Edition, update and preservation of Portuguese medieval literary heritage
STEMMA – From song to writing – material production and paths in Galician-Portuguese lyrics
REGNUM REGIS – The inquiries of 1220 and the genesis of the documentary memory of the Portuguese medieval kingdom

IEM as a participant entity with a specific role

iForal – Portuguese medieval charters: a historical and linguistic perspective in the digital era
IGAEDIS – The historical village of Idanha-a-Velha: city, territory and population in ancient times (1st century BC. 12th century AD)
MedCrafts – Regulation of masters in Portugal in the late Middle Ages: 14th and 15th centuries

IEM as a participant entity with a specific role (concluded)

Beauty and the meaning of color in Portuguese medieval illuminated manuscripts
DEGRUPE – The european dimension of a group of power: ecclesiastics and the political state building of the iberian monarchies (13th-15th centuries)
Hebrew illumination in Portugal during the 15th century