
Colloquium “Sob a égide de Fernão Lopes”

On September 12th, between 3 pm and 6 pm, at Torre do Tombo (Lisbon), the 1st English translation of the “Crónicas de Fernão Lopes” will be launched, included in the […]

Days of the Middle Ages

The result of a collaboration between IEM, Lisboa Cultura / Castelo de São Jorge, and Lisbon City Council, the Days of the Middle Ages, will occur between September 27th and […]

Autumn School in Medieval Studies 2024

NOVA FCSH's Institute for Medieval Studies and Castelo de Vide municipality promote an Autumn School for master's and doctoral students in the Middle Ages. The aim is to create a […]

9th International Conference on the Middle Ages

The International Conference on the Middle Ages results from a partnership established between the FCSH/NOVA Institute for Medieval Studies and the municipality of Castelo de Vide. Thus, the desires and […]