
Launch of the book Tombo do Município de Óbidos

The launch of the book Tombo do Município de Óbidos will take place on October 20th, at 10 a.m., at the Municipal Library - Casa José Saramago, in Óbidos, ad it was coordinated by Manuela Santos Silva and Gonçalo Melo da Silva, in a joint edition of the Institute of Studies Medieval and the Óbidos […]

6th Session | Medieval Studies Seminar

The 6th Session of the 2024 Medieval Studies Seminar will be held online via Zoom on October 23, 2024, at 4:00 p.m. This session will feature a presentation by Rolando Volzone and will be dedicated to the theme "Paisagens documentais, paisagens documentadas. Um excurso rumo à reconstrução das espacialidades monásticas medievais". Since the Middle Ages, […]

II Cycle Archeology in the Community | Conference “Projeto Arqueológico na Guarda (GAP). Balanço da campanha de 2024”

IEM researcher Tomás Cordero, coordinator of the Archaeological Project in Guarda – GAP, will present the results of the campaign carried out in several archaeological sites in the municipality of Guarda in the summer of 2024, raising public awareness of the discovery of archaeological remains and their preservation. This conference will occur in the Guarda […]

2nd IEM Visiting Scholar Day | 2024

On October 30th, the IEM will have its second day entirely dedicated to visiting scholars, who will come to present and debate their research. This session will take place online, via Zoom. One of our primary objectives at our institute is internationalization, fostering scientific and academic exchange, and establishing collaborative networks with cross-border research centers. […]

Archeology lecture | Renáta Přichystalová

IEM and CHAM Archeology groups promote an open class by Professor Renáta Přichystalová from the University of Masaryk (Czech). The class's theme is: The Břeclav – Pohansko stronghold and its role and importance in the economic, political and power structures of Great Moravia. This lecture will be held on November 11th, at 3 p.m., at […]

IEM researcher launches book on heraldry in Cascais

On November 16th, Miguel Metelo de Seixas launches the book Heráldica na Vila de Cascais in an edition of the respective Municipal Council. The book is organized into three distinct periods. In the first, before the 19th century, the heraldry of this strategic but poor town revolved around a few arms: the Crown, first of […]

International Colloquium “Nobreza e virtude em contexto ibérico: teoria e prática entre os tempos medievais e modernos”

The International Colloquium "Nobreza e virtude em contexto ibérico: teoria e prática entre os tempos medievais e modernos" will take place on November 21st and 22nd at Palácio Fronteira, Lisbon. This Portuguese-Spanish colloquium constitutes a space for debate on this topic within the scope of the DEXVIR project "De Excellentia: theory and praxis of virtue […]

Colloquium “Como a água que corre. Em torno da obra de Luís Krus”

The recent reissue of the work A concepção nobiliárquica do espaço ibérico (1280-1380), by Luís Krus, is the pretext to bring together a renowned group of researchers who, from different areas of knowledge, including History, the History of Art, Literature or Historical Anthropology will seek to discuss the work and historiographical legacy of this renowned […]

1st Edition | José Mattoso Forum

In partnership with the Institute of Medieval Studies (IEM), Leiria City Council is organising the 1st Edition of the José Mattoso Forum 2024, an event dedicated to honouring Prof. José Mattoso and addressing his contribution as a historian and humanist. The forum will take place on November 30th, from 3 pm, in Leiria, with the […]

7th Session | Medieval Studies Seminar

The 7th Session of the 2024 Medieval Studies Seminar will be held online via Zoom on december 4, 2024, at 4:00 p.m. This session will feature a presentation by Luís Filipe Oliveira and will be dedicated to the theme "As paisagens das Ordens Militares". As institutions were designed and organized to defend the heritage of Christ and the Holy […]

IEM researcher launches a book on Emblems of Portugal

Researcher Miguel Metelo de Seixas launches the book Emblemas de Portugal, published by the Francisco Manuel dos Santos Foundation. The presentation took place on December 4th at the Carmo Archaeological Museum at 6:30 pm, in the form of a debate on the theme "A força dos emblemas: Portugal em símbolos", in which historians Bernardo Vasconcelos e […]

8th Session | Medieval Studies Seminar

The 8th and last session of the 2024 Medieval Studies Seminar will be held online via Zoom on dezember 11, 2024, at 4:00 p.m. This session, which will feature a presentation by André Evangelista Marques, is dedicated to the theme "Quando a paisagem é texto: que lugar para as fontes documentais no estudo da paisagem medieval?" Landscape […]