
4th International Seminar “Images and Liturgy in the Middle Ages – Creation, Circulation and Function of Images between West and East in the Middle Ages (5th-15th centuries)”

Organization: Instituto de Estudos Medievais – NOVA-FCSH  Research Group: Magistri Cataloniae. Estudis Culturals de la Mediterrània (s. XI-XV) (SGR 2017-231), Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB); Proyecto de Investigación: Magistri Mediterranei. Movilidad y transferencia artística en el Mediterráneo Medieval (1187-1388). Artistas, objetos y modelos (HAR2015-63883-P), Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) Mosteiro da Batalha – DGPC  Scientific coordination: Manuel Antonio […]

Doctoral Retreat 2021

Meeting between supervisors and co-supervisors and PhD students about their projects (Zoom sessions).

IEM Doctoral Students Week 2021

21.10.2021Doctoral Retreat - meeting between supervisors and co- supervisors and doctoral candidates about their projects (Zoom sessions) 22.10.2021The José Mattoso International Seminar 2021, remaining in a virtual format, focused on the last book by the well-known Medievalist, “História Contemplativa”. Serving as the opportunity to review this work and essay, the Seminar will then proceed with […]

Seminar in Medieval Studies: “Cortes y manuscritos. Herramientas digitales para la investigación y divulgación de la cultura escrita medieval en la Corona de Aragón” – Miriam Cabré and Sadurní Martí (Universitat de Girona – Institut d’Estudis Catalans)

The Cançoners DB database gathers the research on Catalan songbooks that our research group has carried out in the last decades, with the idea of systematizing the data on one of the main medieval literary traditions, placed in the context of the written culture of the Crown of Aragon and also of its contacts with […]

José Mattoso International Seminar 2021: A “História Contemplativa – De regresso a novos caminhos na investigação”

The José Mattoso International Seminar 2021 - A História Contemplativa - De regresso a novos caminhos na investigação (Contemplative History - Back to new paths in research) , still in a virtual format, will take place around Contemplative History the latest book by the well-known Medievalist. Adopting a review of this work and essay as […]

IEM Doctoral Students Day 2021

The IEM Doctoral Students Day is taking place virtually in 2021 and includes two key phases. In the morning, there are the presentations of PhD projects resulting from the 2020/2021 edition of the PhD in Medieval Studies. In the afternoon, the time is given over to the presentation of theses by other IEM doctoral students, […]

International Seminar on Medieval Religious History: “Sanctuaires et pèlerinages” (André Vauchez, Institut Universitaire de France – IUF)

The Institute of Medieval Studies (IEM-NOVA FCSH), in partnership with the Centre of Religious History Studies (UCP-CEHR), promotes the International Seminar on Medieval Religious History, which thus resumes, with a new format and scope, the tradition of the previous cycles of the Medieval Religious History Seminar, interrupted in 2013. In the year 2021/2022, and in […]

Seminar in Medieval Studies: “El corpus manuscrito de las «Siete Partidas» de Alfonso X. Estudio sobre su iluminación” – Jorge Prádanos Fernández (Universidad Complutense de Madrid)

In this session will be presented the reality of the illumination of the manuscripts of the Siete Partidas of Alfonso X and its weight in the total manuscript production of this work, highlighting the various iconographic types existing in the manuscripts and their relationship with other late medieval legal iconic repertoires. Similarly, the various types […]

IEM’s participation in the Science and Technology Week 2021

IEM is participating in the Science and Technology Week, which is this year taking place between 22nd and 28th November, through two activities: We invite all our readers to check the conditions of participation and join our activities!

VIATOR International Congress – Symposium dedicated to the study of travel, circulation and mobility in the Middle Ages

Often seen as a time of stagnation, isolation and rupture, when the immobility deriving from interruptions to trade along land and sea routes was the key conditioning factor, the Middle Ages has literally been "underestimated" by certain schools of thought that conceive these centuries as a period of generalised regression, something that simply happened in […]

International Congress “Imago, Actum et Verbum. Desafios e interrogações nos Estudos Medievais: um diálogo interdisciplinar entre filologia, filosofia, história, arte e literatura”

On the outset of the of the 21st century, cross-disciplinary studies on the Middle Ages seem to be in need of a careful reconsideration of their nature, scope and aims. This is especially so after the series of “turns” undergone by historiography in the last four decades. Despite their differences, philosophy, history, philology, literary studies and […]