
Presentation of the documentary “MONS- Etnoarqueologia da Serra do Caramulo”

The documentary "MONS- Etnoarqueologia da Serra do Caramulo" will be shown on May 16th at 5 p.m., at Colégio Almada Negreiros, Lisbon, in room 219 (floor 2). It was made within the scope of the MONS project. Entry is free. Experience a compelling glimpse into ethnoarchaeological research, a vital endeavor to recover the past and memories of the […]

IEM Visiting Scholar Day | 2024

On May 23rd, the IEM will have a day entirely dedicated to visiting scholars, who will come to present and debate their research. The event will be held online via Zoom. At our Institute, one of our primary objectives is internationalization, fostering scientific and academic exchange, and establishing collaborative networks with cross-border research centers, a commitment that […]

Workshop Christians in al-Andalus. Urban and Rural Communities

Taking place between the 3rd and 4th of June, the Workshop Christians in al-Andalus. Urban and Rural Communities is an event organized by Tomás Cordero (IEM NOVA FCSH) and María Ángeles Utrero Agudo (EEA, CSIC). It will take place at Colégio Almada Negreiros, Lisbon, in Auditorium 102 (day 3) and room 219 (day 4).Entry is […]

4th Session | Medieval Studies Seminar: The Papacy seen from the ground: aspects of apostolic interventionism in the kingdom of Portugal (1309-1417)

The 4th Session of the 2024 Medieval Studies Seminar will be held online via Zoom on June 5, 2024, at 4:00 p.m. Dedicated to the theme “The Papacy seen from the ground: aspects of apostolic interventionism in the kingdom of Portugal (1309-1417)”, this session will be led by Mário Farelo (Departamento de História – Univ. do […]

4th Session | 3rd Cycle of International and Interdisciplinary Webinars: “Dialogues of Art, History, and Law”

The 4th Session will take place on June 21, 2024, at 4:30 pm, via the Zoom platform. Dedicated to the theme “Legal Manuscripts of Iceland between History and Non-invasive Analysis of Miniatures”, this session will be coordinated by Silvia Faccin (Biblioteca Capitolare di Vercelli), will feature communications by Giulia Zorzan (University of Iceland) and Maurizio […]

4th Medieval Session: “Culture Access: do we know our impact?”

The Medieval session, a unique and engaging event, is back for its 3rd session! After the previous sessions (which can be seen here and here), the third session focuses on social impact and promoting access - physical, social, and intellectual - to cultural participation. Accesso Cultura, a pivotal association in the cultural sector, was founded […]

Open day for archaeological excavations at the medieval site of Tapado das Casas

Next Saturday, June 29th, there will be an Open Day to visit the excavations of Tapado das Casas, a medieval village 940 m above sea level in the breathtaking and serene Caramulo mountain range. These works are part of the MONS project, a partnership between IEM and the Municipality of Vouzela. Visitors will also be […]

Publication Medievalista 36 | Diplomacy of the Crown Princes

The next issue of Medievalista, dedicated to the theme “Diplomacy of the Crown Princes”, will be published on July 1st. Diana Martins and Stéphane Péquignot edited this thematic issue, which includes contributions from several renowned researchers and scholars.

International Medieval Congress 2024

IEM researchers are again present at the International Medieval Congress 2024, organized by the University of Leeds. This scientific event will take place between July 1st and 4th in Leeds, United Kingdom. It offers an interdisciplinary forum for discussing all aspects of Medieval Studies. This year, Afonso Sousa, Diana Martins, Hélio Pires, Paula Cardoso, Paulo […]

III International Colloquium “Islamic Mysticism in al-Andalus: Gnosis, Norm and Transgression”

The III International Colloquium “Islamic Mysticism in al-Andalus: Gnosis, Norm and Transgression” will be held online on July 2nd and 3rd, 2024 (link and program to be available). Organized by the Institute of Medieval Studies (IEM / NOVA FCSH) and the Centro de Investigação Arqueología, História y Património del Mediterráneo Occidental of the University of […]