Spin-off presentation session – “A imagem como instrumento de transmissão de conhecimento”, Coord. Spin-off, Carlos Alves and IEM Board (16 January)
IEM Conference – “The Masks and the Mosque: The Kingdom of Mâli (13th-14th c.)”, with François-Xavier Fauvelle (17 February)|
Journées d’études “La diplomatie des princes héritiers (XIIIe siècle-XVIe siècle)” (23-24 February)
Vinculum Project Day. Org. VINCULUM project (6 March)
2nd Webinars Cycle “Dialogues of Art, History and Law” | 1st Session (31 March)
2nd Webinars Cycle “Dialogues of Art, History and Law” | 2nd Session (21 April)
Conference “Casas com História(s). O diálogo interdisciplinar na construção do turismo histórico e cultural”. Coord.: IEM NOVA FCSH, Spin-off (27 April)
2nd Webinars Cycle “Dialogues of Art, History and Law” | 3rd Session (26 May)
IEM Conference: “Fortificación y militarización social. Arqueología de las micropolíticas altomedievales (siglos VIII-X)”, by Juan Quirós Castillo (1 June)
FALCO CLOSING MEETING: Advances in human-animal relations in medieval Portugal (29 June)
Internacional Conference: “O Mosteiro de Lorvão no tempo de Catarina de Eça (1471-1521)” (29-30 June)
2nd Webinar Cycle “Dialogues of Art, History and Law” | 4th Session (30 June)
Spin-Off Session: “A arqueologia empresarial e universidades. Um affair necessário?”, with Pedro Sobral de Carvalho. Org.: Spin-Off, Carlos Alves (7 July)
Vinculum Project Day: Ponte de Lima. Org. VINCULUM Project (8 July)
Cycle of Conversations: Medieval Leiria (20-23 July)
1st International Colloquium FRONTOWNS – Small border towns and mobility in Portugal and Castile at the end of the Middle Ages (18-20 September)
II International Colloquium “Islamic Mysticism in al-Andalus – Gnosis, Symbol and Metaphor” (28-29 September)
Castelo de Vide Medieval Studies Week | VIII International Conference on the Middle Ages: Religions in Medieval Urban Europe. Org. IEM NOVA FCSH, Castelo de Vide City Hall (5-7 October)
Open Class: “Research carried out in the Notre-Dame de Paris scientific project (CNRS/Ministry of Culture) since the 2019 fire and new discoveries about metals”, with Maxime L’Héritier (9 October)
International Meeting: The transfer of knowledge and innovation in Historical Sciences. Challenges and opportunities. Org. Carlos Alves and IEM Board (9 October)
Talks with History : "Filhas d'algo em Lorvão, entre a clausura e o mundo", II Mostra Nacional de Doçaria Conventual (15 October)
4th International Conference Architectures of the Soul – Religious Heritage: understanding the past, shaping the future (19 to 21 October)
International Conference “Foreigners in Lisbon in the 15th and 16th Centuries” (26 to 27 October)
IX International Meeting on Military Orders, Org.: GESOS, Câmara Municipal de Palmela, with IEM support (25 to 29 October)
4th RIMS Meeting: Domestic interiors and household consumption in Europe, 1050-1550. Org.: Lab2PT, IEM, CITCEM, CHSC9 (10 November)
International Conference «Sanctuaries, relics and pilgrimages». Org.: IEM NOVA FCSH, CEHR – Universidade Católica, Research network PEREGRINATIO (16 to 18 November)
International Conference “Olisipo entre Mares”. Org.: CML, IEM, CHAM, CAL, UL, FLUL, UNIARQ, Governo de Espanha, Museu Nacional de Arte Romana e Fundación de Estudios Romanos (23-25 November)
International Congress “Forais Medievais Peninsulares (séculos XII a XV): uma abordagem histórica e linguística”. Coord.: IEM I-Foral Team (NOVA FCSH) (29-30 November)
Making and Moving Consumables 500–1000. From the Local to the Wider World: Sources, Methods and Approaches (29-30 November)
IEM Conference: "Le società urbane dell’Italia settentrionale nell’alto medioevo. Una comparazione tra Lucca e Verona", with Marco Stoffella (29-30 November)

Seminar in Medieval Studies: “Construyendo una historia visual del Atlántico en la Edad Media”, with Kevin Wittmann (19 January)
Seminar in Medieval Studies: “El sufismo en la península ibérica. Al-Šuštari (610/1212-668/1269) piedra angular en la historia del sufismo”, with Abdelkrim Ben-Nas Derrij (22 February)
Seminar in Medieval Studies: “Poetic bilingualism and political monogamy: Fernan Garcia Esgaravunha, Punnei eu muit’en me quitar (A126/B241)”, with Fabio Barberini (22 March)
II Medievalism and Neomedievalism Gathering Cycle (29 March, 26 April, 31 May, 28 June)
Seminar in Medieval Studies: “La contribución de la Iglesia durante la Baja Edad Media: hacia un proyecto europeo”, with Esther Tello Hernández (29 March)
Research Seminar: “Escrita de história, memória e gestão de um grupo familiar da nobreza Portuguesa, Séc. XV-XVI”, Org. VINCULUM Project (28 April)
International Workshop – Heraldry in Medieval Illuminated Manuscripts (4-5 May)
Seminar in Medieval Studies: "Mercados, mercadores e mercadorias. O comércio entre Portugal e a Europa Central nos finais do século XV e inícios do século XVI", with Torsten dos Santos Arnold (29 May)
Seminar in Medieval Studies:”¿En busca del Preste Juan? Tradiciones, expectativas y experiencias en la exploración occidental del Atlántico y el África occidental (s. XIV- princ. s.XVI)”, with Víctor Muñoz Gómez (22 June)
Trainning Activity "How to apply to an FCT project" (“Concorrer a um Projeto FCT”). Edition 2023 (June)
Seminar in Medieval Studies: “‘Até que a morte nos separe’ – Os monumentos fúnebres de Dinis de Portugal e Isabel de Aragão: entre a história e a arte”, with Giulia Rossi Vairo (26 July)
Seminar in Medieval Studies: “Remembering Jimena(s): One Woman’s Journey through Different Media (11th-21st centuries)”, with Marija Blaškovic (12 September)
4th International Workshop “The Illuminated Legal Manuscript: Results Achieved and Future Research Objectives” (20 September)
Birds for Princes: Falconry in the Middle Ages and Today, European Heritage Days 2023 (23 September)
“WordPress” Workshop (25 Sept. 9 Oct.)
Castelo de Vide Medieval Studies Week | Autumn School of Medieval Studies 2023. Org.: IEM NOVA FCSH, Castelo de Vide City Hall (3-4 October)
Seminar cycle “Rethinking the Archive(s)/ Repensar o Arquivo(s)”, Org. VINCULUM Project (4 October)
Seminar in Medieval Studies: "Servir al señor. Las obligaciones militares de la sociedad portuguesa durante la Edad Media", with Jose Luis Costa Hernández (19 October)
2nd Session | Seminar Cycle "Rethinking the Archive(s)/ Repensar o(s) Arquivo(s)": "New epistemological frameworks and horizons/ Novos enquadramentos e horizontes epistemológicos", by Eric Ketelaar (Emeritus prof. from Amesterdam University). Org. VINCULUM Project (9 November)
Seminar in Medieval Studies: "Centralidades en contacto: las conexiones Valencia- Portugal dentro de las redes mercantiles euromediterráneas (finales del siglo XIV – principios del siglo XV)", with Carlos Crespo Amat (15 November)
Seminar in Medieval Studies: “Pesos e Medidas em Portugal”, with António Manuel Félix Baptista Neves (23 November)
“Representações, imaginário e experiências Atlânticas. Séculos V-XVI” Seminar, with Kevin R. Wittmann (24 November)
3rd Session | Seminar Cycle “Rethinking the Archive(s)/ Repensar o(s) Arquivo(s)”: "Épistémologie des sources", with Joseph Morsel (Université Paris 1Panthéon-Sorbonne) (6 December)
Workshop on science communication and writing for non-specialized audiences. Coord.: Spin-off Carlos Alves and Beatriz Gil (IEM Communication Office) (7 December)
Seminar in Medieval Studies: “The Holy Emperor Maximilian I and the House of Avis: notes on Portuguese-German political-diplomatic and dynastic relations at the turn of the 15th century to the 16th century”, with Jürgen Pohle (13 December)

Medievalista no. 33 – New issue (1 January)
Medievalista no.34 - New issue (1 Jully)
Book launch - “The 10th Century in Western Europe”, ed. by Igor Santos Salazar and Catarina Tente (6 September)
Castelo de Vide Medieval Studies Week | Book launch “Construir e Reconstruir na Europa Urbana Medieval”. Coord.: Amélia Aguiar Andrade e Gonçalo Melo da Silva (4 October)
First full translation of Fernão Lopes’ Chronicles into English (19 October)

Tourist Guide Training in “O quotidiano monástico em Lorvão. Séculos XIII a XVI” (31 Jan. - 1 Feb.)
Mostra de Cinema Português de tema Medieval. Org.: IEM NOVA FCSH, Cinemateca Portuguesa, IHC – NOVA FCSH (16 to 18 May)
FCT Meeting Science, Technology and Innovation in Portugal (Encontro Ciência, Tecnologia e Inovação em Portugal, FCT) (May)
Archaeological Excavation Campaigns in Vouzela 2023. Org.: MONS (25 June to 8 July)
Visiting Scholar Day 2023 (June)
Archeological excavations in Idanha-a-Velha ( 3-15 July)
Open Day for Archaeological Excavations of Lameiros Tapados (Ventosa). Org. MONS (8 July)
Open Day Marie Curie IFs@FCSH – with the IEM participation. Coord: DAI – NOVA FCSH (July)
Open day for archaeological excavations at the medieval site of Tapado das Casas (23 September)
European Researchers' Night, with the active participation of IEM (29 September)
NOVA FCSH Research and Innovation Day 2023 (with IEM participation) (21 September)
Sept. 2023 – June 2024 | Scientifically Probable, FCT and Ministry of Education (Cientificamente Provável, FCT e Ministério da Educação)
IEM support and opportunities – Best thesis 2023 (1-31 October)
IEM support and opportunities – Exploratory financing for international projects 2023 (1-31 October)
Presentation of the Project Work of the Doctoral Students of the PhD. in Medieval Studies online (October)
Vouzela – Lafões Archaeology Conference (17-18 November)
NOVA Science Day 2023, with IEM participation (21 November)
Science and Technology Week 2023, Ciência Viva (IEM participation 23 November)
2nd Edition Film Festival: “Luz e Sombra. Representações da Idade Média no cinema”. Org. IEM, IHC, Universidade Autónoma de Madrid, Cinemateca Portuguesa (7 December 2023 - 31 January 2024)