
International Conference “Património cultural e arquivos de família nos arquipélagos da Macaronésia”

In the last decade several lines of research in history and archives have promoted new perspectives on the construction of archives and historical sources. These new currents, in the field of historical archivistics and the epistemology of history, raise the question of the revaluation of family archives, not only as repositories of alternative documentary sources […]

Seminar Cycle «Tesouros em pergaminho»: Livro de Horas

Speaker: Delmira Espada Custódia The Holford Hours, illuminated in the first half of the 16th century (1526), were executed in Flanders by Gerard Horenbout and Simon Bening. They are part of a series of works of great importance, characterized by collaboration between artists of equal merit and by the growing affirmation of the pictorial development […]

“O Medievalismo no século XXI”

On 21st and 22nd June, Santarém is welcoming the 12th Conference of the Portuguese Branch of the Hispanic Association for Medieval Literature. Nearly twenty national and international specialists will debate the proposed theme: "O Medievalismo no século XXI" (Medievalism in the 21st Century) These specialised scientific meetings have taken place every two years since 1996 […]

Seminar Cycle «Tesouros em pergaminho»: Livro de Horas de Isabel da Bretanha

Speaker: Ragnhild M. Bø The Book of Hours LA237 was illuminated by the so-called Master of Bedford for Princess Joan of France around 1415. The Book contains 32 full-page miniatures, each surrounded by small records with episodes alluding to the central theme, except for two. These two are inspired by images from Gautier de Coincy's […]

Conference “Representações da infância: dinâmicas e transversalidades”

CRIA – the Network Centre for Anthropology Research and the Institute of Medieval Studies (IEM) are organizing the conference "Representações da infância: dinâmicas e transversalidades" (Representations of Childhood: Dynamics and Transversalities), to be held on 8 June at the School of Social Sciences and Humanities, NOVA University (NOVA FCSH). The concept of child closely relates […]