
Seminar in Medieval Studies: “Challenging the Venetian Mainland State. Venice and Portugal in the Fifteenth century” – Daniele Dibello (Ghent University)

Gian Galeazzo Visconti’s death in 1402 created a significant power vacuum in northern Italy. Venice feared that the Carraresi would have encircled it by threatening land routes for its trade with Italy and Europe. The Venetian choice of military intervention initiated an extraordinary territorial expansion for the Serenissima, which added a mainland state to its […]

International Colloquium “Small Cities and Health (from the Middle Ages to the Contemporary Era): healthcare, sanitary institutions and urban hygiene policies” 

If the present indelibly influences the historiography produced in each period, the current health crisis further conditions - regarding the choice of the theme and the circumstances of its realization - the next meeting of the Small Cities in Time Network, to take place in the spring 2021.  Thus, all interested researchers are invited to […]

Seminar in Medieval Studies: “O sistema matrimonial da aristocracia portuguesa no final da Idade Média” – Miguel Aguiar (CEPESE – UP / LaMOP – U.Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne)

Based on a case study of the Portuguese curial aristocracy in the late Middle Ages, this paper aims to demonstrate the workings of matrimonial exchanges taking place in a dominant group. For this purpose, it is fundamental to consider the prevailing conceptions and representations of marriage, essentially elaborated by the ecclesial institution. The intention involves […]

EMBIO – Early Medieval Bioanthropology Meetings 2021

EMBIO - Early Medieval Bioanthropology Meetings are organized by CIAS – Research Centre for Anthropology and Health (University of Coimbra) and IEM (Institute for Medieval Studies – NOVA FCSH). The meetings will be held every three years in different Portuguese and Spanish cities and will focus on different topics.   EMBIO is intended to be a […]

Seminar in Medieval Studies: “Os cistercienses e os conversos nos séculos XII e XIII. Um campo aberto de investigação” – Francesco Renzi (Catholic University of Portugal)

This paper aims to generally present the figure of the convert within the Cistercian Order and its evolution throughout the 12th and 13th centuries. The issue of conversion allows us to address a series of topics of great relevance to studying the Cistercian Order, such as the relationship between the Cistercians and other forms of […]

Seminar in Medieval Studies: “Paisajes con memoria. Arqueología del paisaje en el mundo andalusí. Balance historiográfico y renovación de la disciplina” – Marisa Bueno

The last twenty-five years have seen a renewal of landscape archaeology and rural archaeology studies. The introduction of new methodologies and new approaches has led to new approaches and approaches that take us beyond Thomas Glick's landscapes of conquest, or Toubert's construction of the frontier and a country of husūn, fathers of the discipline along […]

1st IEM Conference 2021: “Las últimas líneas de investigación sobre la guerra en la Península Ibérica medieval” – Francisco Garcia Fitz

Francisco García Fitz holds a PhD in History from the University of Seville and is Professor of Medieval History at the University of Extremadura. His main line of research has revolved around medieval warfare in general, and more specifically on the political and military relations between Christians and Muslims in medieval Spain. He is the […]

Seminar in Medieval Studies “Palavras e imagens da documentação pontifícia em Portugal: imitação e/ou propaganda?” – Cristina Cunha (CITCEM, UP)

In as early as the 1970s, G. Battelli was drawing attention to the influence of the papal chancellery on the various European chancelleries, which of course derived from this body holding responsibility for the documentary production of the Vatican's communications to the reigning monarchs. At the end of the 1990s, José Marques presented a first […]

Seminar in Medieval Studies: “A Peste Negra em duas regiões de Portugal: resultados de uma investigação de doutoramento” – André Silva (CITCEM-UP and CIDEHUS-UÉ)

The Bubonic Plague was an event of almost unique proportions. The mythification of this event that has built up over the subsequent centuries demonstrates the depth of its impact and consequences as well as the place it holds in the European and Mediterranean collective memory. Aware of this importance, and encountering a lack of in-depth […]

RURALIA XIV Conference – “Household goods in the European Medieval and Early Modern countryside”

RURALIA is an international association for the archaeology of medieval settlement and rural life. It provides a European-wide platform for the scientific exchange on current problems in rural archaeology in order to strengthen comparative and interdisciplinary studies. The conference covers the period from the Early Medieval to the Early Modern periods. The conference language is […]