Six IEM master’s students received research grants as part of the competition under Programmatic Funding (DOI: 10.54499/UIDP/00749/2020), which took place between March 11th and April 8th.
With the duration of six months (July 1st to December 31st, 2024), the scholarships were awarded to research projects in the targeted study area. These grants have as their primary objective to consolidate the scientific training of the scholarship holders through the development of research work leading to obtaining the respective academic degree.
The scholarship holders in the competition proposed a research project and respective work plan to be developed over the six-month duration of the scholarship.
We congratulate each of the scholarship recipients and wish them an excellent job!
Bruno Faustino
Project title: “A Atividade Marítima da Foz do Mondego nos alvores da Modernidade“
Scientific orientation: Doutor Gonçalo Melo da Silva
Joana Gonçalves
Project title: “O Mosteiro do Salvador de Lisboa, o primeiro convento feminino da Observância em Portugal (1392-1513)”
Scientific orientation: Professor Doutor João Luís Inglês Fontes
João Costa Silva
Project title: “Rege Mandante: o poder régio na documentação do reinado de Afonso III (1248-1279) “
Scientific orientation: Professora Doutora Maria João Violante Branco
Mafalda Charneca dos Santos
Project title: “As Encenações do Luto: Processos de continuidade & mudança no Portugal dos séculos XIV-XX“
Scientific orientation: Professora Doutora Alicia Miguélez
Rute Cabriz
Project title: “Uma primeira aproximação arqueológica às transformações das paisagens rurais em contexto pós-romano no Alto Alentejo“
Scientific orientation: Doutora Sara Prata e Professora Doutora Catarina Tente
Teresa Marques
Project title: “Revisitando estilos e tendências de indumentária tardo-medieval: os paramentos litúrgicos de veludo bordado do Museu Alberto Sampaio“
Scientific orientation: Professora Doutora Alicia Miguélez