Colloquium “Como a água que corre. Em torno da obra de Luís Krus”
Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation (Lisbon), Auditorium 3
22.11.2024 | 10:00 - 17:30

The recent reissue of the work A concepção nobiliárquica do espaço ibérico (1280-1380), by Luís Krus, is the pretext to bring together a renowned group of researchers who, from different areas of knowledge, including History, the History of Art, Literature or Historical Anthropology will seek to discuss the work and historiographical legacy of this renowned medievalist.
Full Professor at the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences of Universidade Nova de Lisboa and founder of the Institute for Medieval Studies and its first Director, Luís Krus opened profoundly innovative paths and perspectives of research in a work that continues to be not only essential for a renewed understanding of the medieval past but also fruitful for the hypotheses and problems it raised. Discussing and deepening them is the objective of this meeting, making scientific debate and sharing also a form of homage to a figure that we believe is unique in our medievalism.
The meeting features interventions by Adelaide Miranda, Amélia Aguiar Andrade, Arsénio Dacosta, Carlos Carreto, Hermenegildo Fernandes, Hilário Franco Júnior, Ivo de Castro, and Maria João Branco. It will end with a Round Table led by Bernardo Vasconcelos e Sousa.
The colloquium will be held on November 22nd at the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation (Auditorium 3) in Lisbon.
Free entry.
Organizing Committee