
Seminar in Medieval Studies: “A Oficina de investigação IUS ILLUMINATUM e o estudo em rede dos manuscritos jurídicos iluminados em Portugal e na Europa: apresentação de um projeto em curso”, by Maria Alessandra Bilotta

The aim of the seminar is to present the work of the researchers who are members of the IUS ILLUMINATUM research workshop (, characterized by a multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary approach to the study of illuminated legal manuscripts and their circulation in medieval Europe; a study that has developed and enriched considerably in Portugal over the […]

Seminar in Medieval Studies: “Los monasterios jerónimos en el panorama de la arquitectura monástica peninsular. Un puente entre dos mundos” – Eduardo Carrero Santamaría (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona)

Few monastic orders have more conjecture surrounding them than the Hieronymite monks, the only one of Iberian foundation and whose male branch expanded exclusively throughout the Peninsula. They were born in the midst of the definition of the so-called devotio moderna, in the Castile of the 19th century, and with a triple nationality: Italian, Castilian […]

Seminar in Medieval Studies: “Nacionalismo e internacionalidade na historiografia sobre a arquitetura do mosteiro da Batalha: de Frei Manuel dos Santos a Mário Chicó, com uma lenda de permeio (1729-1956)” – Pedro Redol (Convent of Christ, Machado de Castro National Museum, Monastery of Batalha)

As an (imperfect) review of the literature on the architectural history of the Monastery of Batalha, we propose a dynamic approach based on the dichotomy between its Portuguese and international roots generated by the successive nationalist theses and their antitheses. This tour demonstrates how the well-known tale The Vault (1401) by Alexandre Herculano crystallised the […]

Lisbon Meeting Action Cost WORCK

WORCK represents a radical change of perspective in labour history by considering that different labour relations have coexisted, intertwined, and overlapped throughout history. It seeks to overcome the classic divisions in the discourse of this field (productive/unproductive, free/non-free, capitalist/precapitalist) by linking studies of labour and production with those of violence, expropriation, and marginalization. Rejecting the […]

Extraordinary Seminar “Redes Clientelares Eclesiásticas e política beneficial nos Reinos da Península Ibérica durante a Baixa Idade Média”

Extraordinary Seminar "Ecclesiastic Clientele Networks and Beneficiary Politics in the Iberian Peninsula Kingdoms during the Late Middle Ages" At the confluence of a fruitful historiographical current and the increasingly marked interest in the history of the institutions of power in the medieval period, this seminar focuses on networks of sociability related to the medieval Monarchy […]

Seminar in Medieval Studies: “Uma introdução arqueológica ao mundo rural altomedieval (séculos IV-VIII). Dois casos singulares em Lusitânia: Egitania e Emerita” – Tomás Cordero (IEM – NOVA FCSH)

In the 21st century, the study of the High Middle Ages (400-800) has become one of the most dynamic research themes in Medieval Archaeology. In this sense, the renewed interest of the scientific community in the study of this period has generated a new historical paradigm that: highlights the continuity of the Roman world, reduces […]

Heraldry in Traveling European Legal Manuscripts – 2nd Cycle of International and Interdisciplinary Webinars

The 2nd Webinars Cycle "Heraldry in Traveling European Legal Manuscripts" is part of the research project "ManJusEurIt - European Traveling Legal Manuscripts" conducted by Maria Alessandra Bilotta, also linked to activities of the IUS ILLUMINATUM research team (https: // scientifically coordinated by the same researcher.  The Webinar Cycle is organized by the Institute of Medieval […]

Seminar in Medieval Studies: “Challenging the Venetian Mainland State. Venice and Portugal in the Fifteenth century” – Daniele Dibello (Ghent University)

Gian Galeazzo Visconti’s death in 1402 created a significant power vacuum in northern Italy. Venice feared that the Carraresi would have encircled it by threatening land routes for its trade with Italy and Europe. The Venetian choice of military intervention initiated an extraordinary territorial expansion for the Serenissima, which added a mainland state to its […]

International Colloquium “Small Cities and Health (from the Middle Ages to the Contemporary Era): healthcare, sanitary institutions and urban hygiene policies” 

If the present indelibly influences the historiography produced in each period, the current health crisis further conditions - regarding the choice of the theme and the circumstances of its realization - the next meeting of the Small Cities in Time Network, to take place in the spring 2021.  Thus, all interested researchers are invited to […]

Seminar in Medieval Studies: “O sistema matrimonial da aristocracia portuguesa no final da Idade Média” – Miguel Aguiar (CEPESE – UP / LaMOP – U.Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne)

Based on a case study of the Portuguese curial aristocracy in the late Middle Ages, this paper aims to demonstrate the workings of matrimonial exchanges taking place in a dominant group. For this purpose, it is fundamental to consider the prevailing conceptions and representations of marriage, essentially elaborated by the ecclesial institution. The intention involves […]