
How to create value through History? A past with a future

The VINCULUM project (ERC CoG. 819734) was invited to participate in the Sustainable Value Creation Summit, at NOVA.SBE, in a session dedicated to the theme “How to create value through History? A past with a future”, organized by Álvaro Ferreira da Silva and moderated by Lisbeth Rodrigues (NOVA.SBE). The session will take place on the 25th of May, at 9:15 am, […]

Seminar in Medieval Studies: Mercados, mercadores e mercadorias. O comércio entre Portugal e a Europa Central nos finais do século XV e inícios do século XVI – Doutor Torsten dos Santos Arnold

Taking place on May 29, at 4 pm, via Zoom, the conference addresses issues related to the European economic history of the late 15th and early 16th centuries. The focus is on the economic ties resulting from the long tradition and consequent continuity of buying and selling “national” products with a view to the trade and business of […]

IEM Conference: “Fortificación y militarización social. Arqueología de las micropolíticas altomedievales (siglos VIII-X)” | Juan Quirós Castillo

On the 1st of June, at 4:00 pm, the IEM conference will take place, with the communication "Fortificación y militarización social. Arqueología de las micropoliticas altomedievales (siglos VIII-X)", presented by Professor Juan Quirós Castillo. Biographical note:Professor of Archeology at the Department of Geography, Prehistory and Archeology at the Universidad del País Vasco, at the Faculty of Letters. […]

Seminar in Medieval Studies:”¿En busca del Preste Juan? Tradiciones, expectativas y experiencias en la exploración occidental del Atlántico y el África occidental (s. XIV- princ. s. XVI)” | Professor Víctor Muñoz Gómez

On the 22nd of June, at 4:00 pm, will take place the Seminar in Medieval Studies :"¿En busca del Preste Juan? Tradiciones, expectativas y experiencias en la exploración occidental del Atlántico y el África occidental (s. XIV- princ. s. XVI)", by Professor Víctor Muñoz Gómez (Institute of Medieval and Renaissance Studies. University of La Laguna), […]

FALCO CLOSING MEETING: Advances in human-animal relations in medieval Portugal

The exploratory project FALCO - Hypothesising Human-Animal Relations in Medieval Portugal, which began in January 2022 and lasted for a year and a half with a grant from the Foundation for Science and Technology (EXPL/HAR-HIS/1135/2021), will hold the third and final project seminar next Thursday, June 29th. In the seminar, under the theme "Advances in human-animal relations […]

Internacional Conference: “O Mosteiro de Lorvão no tempo de Catarina de Eça (1471-1521)”

The International Congress "O Mosteiro de Lorvão no tempo de Catarina de Eça (1471-1521)" will take place at the Monastery of Lorvão (Penacova, Coimbra) on June 29th and 30th. Today we know better the succession of important women who, during the medieval centuries, governed the main and richest Portuguese Cistercian monasteries, with particular focus on […]

2nd Webinar Cycle “Dialogues of Art, History and Law” | 4th Session

The 2nd Webinars Cycle “Dialogues of Art, History and Law” is organized by the Institute of Medieval Studies (IEM- NOVA/FCSH), together with the IUS ILLUMINATUM research team and in partnership with the Portuguese Heraldry Institute (IPH), the Capitular Library of Verona and the Capitular Library of Vercelli.  This initiative, organized by a scientific and organizational […]

Spin-Off Session: “A arqueologia empresarial e universidades. Um affair necessário?” | Pedro Sobral de Carvalho

On the 7th of July, at 5 pm, another IEM Spin-Off Session will take place, dedicated to the theme: "A arqueologia empresarial e universidades. Um affair necessário? O Castelo de Santa Maria da Feira como case study.". This session will be in charge of Pedro Sobral de Carvalho (Eon, Indústrias Criativas). The third session of the Spin-Off of the Institute of […]

Vinculum Project Day: Ponte de Lima

Another Vinculum Project Day will take place on the 8th of July, this time in Ponte de Lima. This initiative is part of the VINCULUM project, based at NOVA FCSH and funded by the European Research Council. The project aims to conceptualize and explain the bonding phenomenon in medieval and modern societies in Southern Europe. The communication of the […]

Cycle of Conversations: Medieval Leiria

The IEM researcher, Catarina Fernandes Barreira, will be at Leiria Medieval on the 23rd of July at 4 pm in Conversations about the Middle Ages—production and circulation of Hebrew manuscripts and incunabula among the Jews of Medieval Leiria. This year, dedicated to the year 1496 and under the theme “Under a Sky of Fishes,” the […]

Seminar in Medieval Studies: “‘Até que a morte nos separe’ – Os monumentos fúnebres de Dinis de Portugal e Isabel de Aragão: entre a história e a arte” | Professor Giulia Rossi Vairo

On the 26th of July, at 4:00 pm, the Seminar on Medieval Studies will take place:"‘Até que a morte nos separe’ – Os monumentos fúnebres de Dinis de Portugal e Isabel de Aragão: entre a história e a arte", by Professor Giulia Rossi Vairo, via Zoom.   The civil war that ravaged the kingdom of Portugal from 1319 […]

Seminar in Medieval Studies: “Remembering Jimena(s): One Woman’s Journey through Different Media (11th-21st centuries)” | Doutora Marija Blaškovic

On September 12, at 4:15 pm, will take place the Seminar in Medieval Studies: "Remembering Jimena(s): One Woman's Journey through Different Media (11th-21st centuries)", by Dr. Marija Blašković, in mixed modality (presencial and via Zoom). The presencial session will take place at Colégio Almada Negreiros, Sala SD (floor 0).   At a societal level, the […]