
Autumn School 2022

The Institute for Medieval Studies (IEM – NOVA FCSH) and the Municipality of Castelo de Vide are organizing a Fall School for twenty Master’s and PhD students in medieval studies on the 4th and 5th October 2022.  The goal of this initiative is to create a place for open debate and experience sharing in which […]

VII International Conference of the Middle Ages “Construction and Reconstruction in the Medieval Urban Europe”

Cities were conspicuous in the Medieval landscape not only for being great concentrations of humanity, but also for their built-up areas.  Buildings served various functions: military, religious, political-administrative, economic, and residential.  Further, not all cities had the same buildings whilst, from neighbourhood to neighbourhood and from street to street, building characteristics could differ according to […]

International Conference “Constructing the other and the self. Representations of identity and otherness in the Middle Ages”

The topics of identity and otherness are of the greatest relevance and actuality. To reflect critically and in an interconnected way on both dimensions concerning the context of medieval travel is to bridge a better understanding of the present in all its frailties. Such is the primary objective of the International Conference “Constructing the Other […]

I Conference Cycle:  Viver, ler e rezar no Mosteiro de Lorvão (séculos XIII a XVI): “A comemoração da Paixão de Cristo no Mosteiro de Lorvão” – Mercedes Pérez Vidal

The Institute of Medieval Studies (NOVA FCSH) is staging the I Conference Cycle "Viver, ler e rezar no Mosteiro de Lorvão (séculos XIII a XVI)" (Conference Cycle Living, reading and praying in Lorvão Abbey (13th to 16th centuries)), integrated into the project Books, Rituals and Space in a Cistercian Nunnery. Living, Praying and Reading in […]

Seminar in Medieval Studies: “La construcción de las “Ruinas de Emérita” en época medieval (s.V-XV)” – Carlos Moran (CSIC)

  Carlos Jesús Morán Sánchez gained his doctoral degree in Archaeology from the University of Extremadura. He works as a Technical Expert for the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas at the Mérida Archaeology Institute. His research career has focused on the study of precedents, the beginnings and consolidation of archaeology as a scientific field, especially […]

International Seminar “Monarchies and Revolution: nineteenth century resiliences and ruptures (Portugal, Italy and Spain)”

The international workshop "Monarchies and Revolution: nineteenth century resiliences and ruptures (Portugal, Italy and Spain)" is the result of a partnership between two Portuguese institutions (IEM - NOVA FCSH) and ICS - UL), one Spanish (Universidad Complutense) and one Italian (Università di Torino). The theme of the workshop follows on from a first scientific meeting, […]

Workshop “Archaeological Landscapes in Portugal. New opportunities and projects”

This workshop is the first step in the recent scientific relationship established between NOVA FCSH and the KNIR-Royal Netherlands Institute in Rome. In this sense, the lectures will focus on the presentation of different case studies linked to the analysis of the archaeological landscape of different cities and regions of ancient Roman Lusitania. These lectures […]

IEM Conference “Armed in Alabaster: Monumental effigies and the Study of the late medieval armour” | Tobias Emanuel Capwell

In this lecture Dr. Tobias Emanuel Capwell discusses this major research effort, tracing its progress, problems, methodology and results, while also considering the wider potential significance of what appears to be a highly specialised area of historical enquiry.  Advancements in our understanding of the iconic armour of the medieval knight are hard won victories. The […]

RiMS 2022 – State-Making and Diplomacy in Europe, 1050-1550

The third RiMS meeting takes the theme "State-Making and Diplomacy in Europe, 1050-1550". With Prof. Isabella Lazzarini (Univ. Molise / Edinburgh) serving as co-organiser, the meeting will serve as the basis for a collection of studies for subsequent open access publication by the University of Coimbra Press.

International Colloquium Islamic Mysticism Al-Andalus

slamic mysticism moves from description to image, from orthodoxy to heterodoxy, from sound to silence, from multiplicity to unity. Several Andalusian masters, between treatises, aphorisms and the silent example. Local, trans-regional, trans-Islamic influences. Between Sunni and Shi'a. Following the stars that drank in the light of the Message and the Messenger.  Identifying connections, transmissions, contacts […]