
2nd session of the III Conference Cycle “Manuscritos de Alcobaça – Música e Liturgia”

Promoted by the General Directorate of Cultural Heritage / Monastery of Alcobaça in partnership with the Institute of Medieval Studies, the School of Social Sciences and Humanities, NOVA University, within the context of effectively pursuing the strategic goal of positioning the Monastery of Alcobaça as a centre for the study and dissemination of the history […]

Seminar in Medieval Studies: “As matinas a se de començar aqui no Refeitorio. Libros y espacios monásticos en la Iberia Medieval” – Mercedes Pérez Vidal

The next session of the Medieval Studies Seminar will be held by Professor Mercedes Pérez Vidal (Heinrich-Heine Universität Düsseldorf). About this session:From the beginning of the 90s the multiplication of studies on women religious, in particular cloistered nuns, and the book have changed the traditional view of nuns poor literacy, and low education. They have […]

IEM Ph.D Student Day

The second "IEM Ph.D. Student’s Day" will have similar objectives to the first edition, last year, but with a different dynamic. Although it is also intended that, around the summary exhibition of ongoing projects, a space can be built where doctoral students can make their work known, and discuss it, among themselves and with younger […]

José Mattoso International Seminar

Established by Luís Krus in 2004, the José Mattoso Seminars were from the outset intended as a forum for scientific debate and productive and innovative dialogue, valuing the historiographical development of the issues and concepts proposed by this historian. Krus deployed this approach in the belief this represented the most stimulating and fruitful way of […]

Seminar in Medieval Studies: “La presencia portuguesa en la bahía de Cádiz: una aproximación prosopográfica (1470-1520)” – Enrique Pilares (Universidad de Cádiz)

By the end of the Middle Ages, the Bay of Cadiz had become one of the most important passages for international maritime traffic. Its strategic location between the Mediterranean and the Atlantic led to different foreign communities settling in the area, which was then encouraged. Among them, the Portuguese represent one of the most important […]

International workshop to launch the IUS ILLUMINATUM Research Team

For the official launch of the IUS ILLUMINATUM Research Team, the Institute of Medieval Studies (IEM) of FCSH is hosting an international Workshop on the theme: "The Illuminated Legal Manuscript: Production, Circulation and Usage in Medieval Europe" on Friday 20 September 2019. The Workshop aims to provide an overview of the state-of-the-art in research on […]

International Conference “Intervir na Memória. Restauros de época moderna em monumentos funerários medievais (sécs. XV-XX)”

Registrations for the International Conference "Intervir na Memória. Restauros de época moderna em monumentos funerários medievais (sécs. XV-XX)" (Interventions in Memory. Modern Era Restorations of Medieval Funerary Monuments (15th-20th centuries)), taking place at the Faculdade de Belas Arts of Lisbon, from 25 to 26 September 2019, are open.  The Colloquium will focus on interventions made […]

Conference José Medeiros Ferreira 2019 – by Naomi Standen  

This year, the Opening Conference of the PhD in History at NOVA FCSH is organized by IEM, and will be given by Professor Naomi Standen, from the University of Birmingham, with the theme: 'Rescuing global history from the nation: Eastern Eurasia without borders 600-1350'.   AbstractWe are still working out how to do global history, especially […]

Cycle Conference “Da Alquimia às Artes da Cor na Idade Média: Iluminura e Vitral”

“Em demanda da Pintura Medieval Portuguesa”, by Luís Urbano Afonso   This lecture aims to show that the current pre-eminence attributed to painting in the context of plastic arts results from a modern prejudice, not applicable to the Middle Ages, preventing us from seeing, and valuing, other forms of producing two-dimensional images that in that […]

“Iluminar os manuscritos medievais. Da materialidade do códice à leitura”, by Maria Adelaide Miranda, Luís Correia de Sousa and Ana Lemos

A brief history of writing will serve as an introduction to the study of the illuminated manuscript. The passage from the scroll to the codex, with all the transformations that this discovery produced, namely writing on parchment instead of papyrus, opened the way for the creation of illuminations on a stable support. It will be […]

Autumn School 2019

The Institute for Medieval Studies (IEM – NOVA FCSH) and the Municipality of Castelo de Vide are organizing a Autumn School for twenty Master’s and PhD students in medieval studies, that will take place during the 8th and the 9th of October in Castelo de Vide. The goal of this initiative is to create a […]