The Entail of the month of January is from across the Atlantic Ocean | The Salvador do Mundo Estate
The Morgado do Salvador do Mundo, established in 1639 in Paraíba, is testimony of the binding practice lasted beyond the Middle Ages and was replicated on other continents.
Archaeological research by IEM researchers presented on the RTP Ensina platform
Annual Meeting of the Cistercians Horizons research Project
Zoom session
[CALL FOR POSTERS] – Webinar “Early Medieval Bioanthropology 2021. New approaches to Early Medieval funerary contexts in the Centre and North of the Iberian Peninsula”
Submission deadline 31.01.2021
[CALL FOR PAPERS] – “Small Cities and Health (from the Middle Ages to the Contemporary Era): healthcare, sanitary institutions and urban hygiene policies”
Proposal submission deadline: 10.03.2021
Seminar in Medieval Studies: “Los monasterios jerónimos en el panorama de la arquitectura monástica peninsular. Un puente entre dos mundos” – Eduardo Carrero Santamaría (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona)
13.01.2021 | 17:00
Zoom session