
The Entail of the month of March features the Mosquitos Estate, founded on 29 August 1531 on Santiago Island, Cape Verde

The history of the Mosquitos Estate, established by André Rodrigues dos Mosquitos in the 16th century, reveals the vicissitudes of the transposition of the vincular model in force in the Portuguese Kingdom to the organization of Cape Verde territory in the context of colonization.

Registration for the conference Small Towns and Health from the Middle Ages to the Contemporary Age – Medical Care, Sanitary Institutions, Urban Hygiene Policies

06.05.2021 - 08.05.2021

Inscrições abertas

Publication of the first volume in the “Scriptorium – Batalha” collection

The IEM is launching another book collection aimed at a generalist audience in conjunction with the Monastery of Batalha. The first volume, about King João I, written by Maria Helena da Cruz Coelho, received its public presentation on April 17th.

[CALL FOR PAPERS] – IV Workshop on Juridical Culture – Jurists and the Medieval State: Varieties and Development of a Symbiotic Relationship, 1100-1500

Submission deadline 15.06.2021

[OPEN CALL] – Call for IEM Post-Doctoral Research Fellowship

Applications between 25.03.2021 to 26.04.2021

Launch of the 5th issue of OCEANICA – Newsletter of the UNESCO Chair “The Ocean’s Cultural Heritage”