Last Tuesday, November 21st, the results of the 1st edition of the “Research Impact Narratives Challenge” were announced, as part of the 6th edition of NOVA Science and Innovation Day.

Three IEM researchers were recognized in this competition, which aimed to value the societal impact of projects developed by the NOVA University of Lisbon community, and reinforce the importance of effective communication of research results, both for the academic community and civil society. .

Catarina Fernandes Barreira was awarded with the impact narrative “Monastic History Impact from Academy to Community” and Maria de Lurdes Rosa with the narrative “Recovered voices, newfound questions: erasing archival silences, building a plural History”. Sara Prata received an honorable mention with “Archaeology research changes attitudes towards the past and improves local heritage management”.

The award-winning impact narratives can be found in the most recent edition of NOVA Science magazine.