We are delighted to inform you that issue no. 29 is now available. This Medievalist opens with yet another note of regret on the occasion of the passing away of Peter Linehan on July 9, 2020. The homage paid to this medievalist reflects both his role as a member of the Editorial Board of the journal and overseeing its evolution over the last decade and his capacities as a particularly stimulating researcher, with work that renewed analysis of the modes of appropriating the past in the present of chroniclers and historians and that, moreover, opened up new horizons for Spanish and Portuguese historiography. The body of this issue is formed by a thematic dossier, coordinated by Adelaide Miranda and Pedro Chambel, and dedicated to the study of the Medieval Bestiary. Some of the texts are by renowned authors, but many others, however, come from younger researchers, from different countries and other historiographies. This focus on the diversity of origins, themes and perspectives also emerges in the regular sections of the journal. They display the resilience and creativity of medieval studies, across its most diverse disciplinary areas while also raising the scope for turning current difficulties into an opportunity for greater sharing and debate of knowledge.
Journal available at: http://medievalista.iem.fcsh.unl.pt/