The Special Section of issue 19 (2017) of the Mediaeval Sophia online journal, published by Officina di Studi Medievali, features texts presented at the international workshop “O estudo dos manuscritos iluminados e dos artefactos na Arqueologia da Idade Média: metodologias em comparação” (The study of illuminated manuscripts and artefacts in the Archaeology of the Middle Ages: methodologies in comparison), organised in February 2015.
This Special Section was edited by the researchers of the Institute of Medieval Studies (IEM-NOVA FCSH): Maria Alessandra Bilotta, Catarina Tente and Sara Prata.
The entire issue 19 of the journal is available in open access at: www.mediaevalsophia.net.
Mediaeval Sophia. Studi and ricerche sui saperi medievali. E-Review annuale dell’Officina di Studi Medievali 19 (gennaio-dicembre 2017), pp. 297-473.