IEM researcher receives A. de Almeida Fernandes Award
André Evangelista Marques was the winner of the 2016 edition of the Armando de Almeida Fernandes Prize - Portuguese Medieval History

The jury of the A. de Almeida Fernandes Prize – Portuguese Medieval History in its 2016 edition, aimed at published works, decided to award 1st prize to the book “Da representação documental à materialidade do espaço. Território da diocese de Braga (séculos IX-XI)” (Porto, Edições Afrontamento/CITCEM, 2014), by André Marques, a researcher at the Institute of Medieval Studies of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities of Universidade Nova de Lisboa and a post-doctoral fellow at the Foundation for Science and Technology. His work had already been awarded the prize for the best thesis of 2013 by CITCEM – Transdisciplinary Research Center “Culture, Space and Memory”.
The award ceremony will take place on November 26 at 5pm in the auditorium of Ponte de Lima Town Hall. The prize is sponsored by the Ponte de Lima and Viseu town halls.