Luís Krus

In Memoriam
Luís Filipe Llach Krus (September 7, 1954 - June 5, 2005), historian and researcher, was one of Portugal's leading medievalists, well known in academic circles. Luís Krus obtained his doctorate in Medieval History in 1990, at NOVA University, with his thesis "A Concepção Nobiliárquica do Espaço Ibérico (1280-1380)" (F. Gulbenkian/JNICT, 1994), and presented his aggregation exams in History of Medieval Culture and Mentalities at the same university in 1998.
Full Professor at the School of Social Sciences and Humanities of NOVA University, where he was Vice-Chairman of the Scientific Council until March 2005.
He supervised numerous master's and doctoral theses and left behind a vast and diverse work, with a personal touch in its choice of themes, approaches, and problematizations. He was particularly interested in cultural history within an interdisciplinary framework, associating the historian's craft with the perspectives of anthropology and sociology. Founder of the Institute of Medieval Studies, he was its director from 2002-2005.
In his honor, NOVA FCSH's Sotto Mayor e Cardia Library organized the exhibition “A Oficina de um Medievalista. A doação Luís Krus” (The Workshop of a Medievalist. The Luís Krus donation), to make Professor Luís Krus' donation visible.
As part of the exhibition, a Catalogue was available, as well as a set of texts alluding to the medieval specialist and written by Professors José Mattoso, Amélia Aguiar Andrade, and Maria João Branco.