Tiago Viúla de Faria

Tiago Viúla de Faria (Lic. NOVA FCSH, MA Reading, DPhil Oxford) is currently a research fellow at NOVA University of Lisbon’s School of Social Sciences and Humanities. Besides conducting an individual research project on the role of diplomacy and diplomatic relations in the process of composition of the medieval ‘state’, he is also the principal investigator in the multidisciplinary project ‘FALCO – Hypothesising Human-Animal Relations in Medieval Portugal’, funded by Portugal’s Science Agency. He is the chairperson of the Network for the Environment in Medieval Usages & Societies (NEMUS). As an academic and professional, he has embraced several methodologies and fields in history, literary studies and cultural heritage. He has taken up scholarships and prizes at various institutions in Portugal, the United Kingdom, Austria, France, Spain and the USA. His research has appeared in the Journal of Medieval Studies, The English Historical Review, the Anales de la Universidad de Alicante, Boydell Press, Brill, and Oxford University Press.