Rui Gil

Born in 1998, Rui Filipe Cruz Gil is a Portuguese archaeologist currently pursuing his PhD. in Archaeology at the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities of the Nova University of Lisbon. He is currently a grantee of the Foundation for Science and Technology, conducting an archaeological study of the landscape of Sesimbra, focusing on the periods from the Roman Empire to the Medieval Maritime Expansion.
With a bachelor’s degree in Archaeology from FCSH in 2019 and a master’s degree from the University of Granada in 2021, Rui has contributed to conferences on topics about the heritage and archaeology of Sesimbra. Serving as a board member of the Cultural Association of Cascais since 2018 and as president of the Cultural Research Center of Sesimbra since 2021, he leads activities promoting the preservation of cultural heritage.In addition to his academic work, Rui has been a Culture and Heritage professor at the Senior University of Rotary in Sesimbra since 2021, where he coordinates and teaches courses on the heritage of the medieval and maritime village.