Miguel Metelo de Seixas

PhD in History, he has been a researcher at IEM – NOVA FCSH since 2011, where he coordinated the research group “Images, Texts and Representations” (2019-2021). He teaches the course “Mental Categories: Practices and Representations” for the MA in Medieval Studies at the same Faculty and the seminar “Cycle of Conferences in Medieval Studies: crossed perspectives” for the PhD in Medieval Studies (FCSH-NOVA and Universidade Aberta). Member of numerous funded research projects and coordinator of the project “In the Service of the Crown. The use of heraldry in royal political communication in Late Medieval Portugal” (IEM and Universität Münster). He has been a visiting professor at several French, Italian, and Brazilian universities. He has about a hundred publications, mainly on heraldic themes, published in Portugal, Brazil, France, Spain, Germany, Great Britain, and Italy, with emphasis on: Heráldica, representação do poder e memória da nação (2011), Estudos de heráldica medieval (coord., 2012), Quinas e castelos, sinais de Portugal (2019), Heraldry in Medieval and Early Modern State-Rooms – towards a tipology of heraldic programmes in spaces of self-representation (2020), and Devises, lettres et couleurs : un code emblématique européen (2022). He was president of the Portuguese Heraldry Institute and director of the journal Armas e Troféus between 2010 and 2021.