Catarina Rosa

Catarina Rosa has a bachelor’s degree in History from the Faculty of Humanities of the University of Lisbon and a master’s degree in Medieval History from the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences of NOVA University of Lisbon. Her master’s dissertation on royal taxation in late medieval Lisbon was supervised by Professor Amélia Aguiar Andrade. She is currently doing her PhD in Medieval History, in the same faculty where she completed her master’s degree. She benefits from a scholarship granted by IEM and FCT. Her PhD thesis about municipal finance and taxation in port towns and villages of medieval Portugal (1325-1521) is supervised by Professor Amélia Aguiar Andrade, Professor Denis Menjot and Professor Pere Verdés Pijuan. She is part of the IEM team in the UNESCO Chair “Ocean’s Cultural Heritage”. She is the author of several articles/book chapters on the subject of medieval taxation, including: “Na Lisboa de D. João I (1385-1433): fiscalidade régia e abastecimento” (2019) and “A edilidade lisboeta em articulação com o poder régio: dinâmicas de conflito e cooperação a partir da fiscalidade régia (séculos XIV-XV)” (2021). Additionally, she has collaborated in the publication of medieval sources.