The PRR Course – Heritage Management and Participation: “Routes through Medieval Heritage” will take place in a blended e-learning format (84 hours of individual student work (TA), 14 hours of online theoretical teaching (TP), 6 hours of laboratory component (study visits) (TL) and 6 hours of Orientation (O), between January 6th and 11th.

Coordinated by João Luís English Fontes and Maria João Branco, the course aims to draw attention to the importance of a broader and renewed look at medieval heritage, seeking, on the one hand, to deconstruct previously held and often erroneous views about several of these spaces, and, on the other, contribute with new perspectives on known spaces. The proposed visit to Castelo de Vide allows many of these objectives to be achieved, presenting an urban center rich in Medieval Heritage, with the problems it raises and the different solutions found, both in the preservation and valorization of that same heritage and in the perception of the close ties between culture, heritage and territory.



João Luís English Fontes is an Assistant Professor in Medieval History at NOVA FCSH and a member of the Institute of Medieval Studies of the same Faculty, of which he is currently Deputy Director, and of the Center for Religious History Studies (UCP). His research areas include religious history, hermitical orders and movements and other non-regular forms of life, particularly female ones, lay spirituality, hagiographic literature, and courtly and noble culture and piety.

Maria João Violante Branco is Associate Professor of Medieval History at NOVA FCSH, where she currently coordinates the PhD in Medieval Studies in e-learning (offered in partnership with Universidade Aberta). She is an integrated researcher at the NOVA FCSH Institute of Medieval Studies, of which she was director between 2016 and 2021. Her areas of personal research are the construction of royal power and ecclesiastical elites linked to political power, relations between the Papacy and Portugal until the mid-13th century, the creation of identities and the processes of institutionalization of powers, areas in which he has published regularly.

Amélia Aguiar Andrade is a Full Professor of Medieval History at the Department of History, Faculty of Social and Human Sciences of the Nova University of Lisbon (NOVA FCSH). Her research focuses on the domains of Medieval Urban History, the study of Spaces and Powers in the Middle Ages and their respective forms of articulation and the exploration of medieval royal Inquiries as a privileged source for treating such themes. Since 2011, she has been Director of the Mário Sottomayor Cardia Library and the NOVA FCSH Documentation Centers and, since 2017, principal investigator of ROSSIO infrastructure – Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities and Member of the Scientific Council of NOVA FCSH -integrated researcher at IEM.

Carla Varela Fernandes teaches Medieval Art at NOVA FCSH. She is a researcher at the Institute of Art History and a collaborator at the Institute of Medieval Studies. She is interested in medieval sculpture, iconography, and museology. She participates in research projects, has organized scientific meetings, coordinated publications of books and magazines, and published studies in scientific journals, books and book chapters.

Gonçalo Melo e Silva is a researcher hired for the online edition of Medieval Sources at IEM – NOVA FCSH with the MEDDOCS project, which aims mainly at publishing municipal documentation. He is the co-PI of the FRONTOWNS project, financed by the FCT. He has participated in other national and international projects and is a member of the UNESCO NOVA-FCSH Chair, “The Cultural Heritage of the Oceans.” His research focuses on the relationships between space and powers in medieval Portuguese urban centers, especially ports and land borders.

Miguel Gomes Martins has a degree in History from the Faculty of Arts of the University of Lisbon and a Master’s and PhD in History of the Middle Ages from the Faculty of Arts of the University of Coimbra, with the dissertation entitled Para Bellum. Organization and Practice of War in Portugal during the Middle Ages – 1245-1367 (National Defense Prize – 2009). He is the author of several dozen works on Medieval Military History. He is a senior technician at the Olisiponenses Studies Office, collaborator at the Center for Studies in the History of Society and Culture (U. Coimbra), founding partner and member of the board of the Iberian Association of Military History (4th-16th centuries), corresponding academic at the Portuguese Academy of History and integrated researcher at IEM -NOVA FCSH, where he teaches the optional subject of History of War in the Middle Ages (1st cycle).

Santiago Macías has a degree in History (variant on Art History) from the University of Lisbon (1985), a Master’s degree in Medieval History from the Nova University of Lisbon (1995) and a PhD in History from the University of Lyon (2005). Researcher at the Mértola Archaeological Field, where he developed studies on Late Antiquity and the Islamic period. Author of articles and books on these topics. Commissioner of several exhibitions, with emphasis on “Portugal Islânico” (1998), “Algarve Islânico” (2010), “Água – património de Moura” (2015) and “Guerreiros e martires” (2020). He currently teaches at the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences at Universidade Nova de Lisboa. He is the director of the National Pantheon (Lisbon).

Sara Prata is an integrated researcher at the Institute of Medieval Studies (NOVA FCSH) and has a PhD from the University of Salamanca (2018). She is currently Vice-Director of IEM and a professor in the Department of History at NOVA FCSH. Her research project “Reshaping the Countryside in the Early Middle Ages. Production Systems, Consumption Patterns and Peasant Agency in Western Iberia” (2020.01697.CEECIND) is financed by the FCT through the CEEC – Concurso de Estímulo ao Emprego Científico (3rd ed.). Her research interests focus on studying landscape, settlement and material records to analyze the transformations of medieval rural areas.