The e-book “Bread, meat and water in medieval Lisbon: Documentary Memories” will be launched on October 9th. It brings together an important set of documents resulting from the Exhibition “Bread, meat and water in medieval Lisbon: Documentary Memories.”

This exhibition, which was on display in the Exhibition Room of the National Archives of Torre do Tombo between April 24th and August 30th, 2019, made the public aware of the fundamental memories of our collective history, namely that of the city of Lisbon. , related to food supply during the Middle Ages.

Organized by the Lisbon Municipal Archive and the Institute of Medieval Studies of the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences of the New University of Lisbon, this initiative was supported by the National Archive of Torre do Tombo and Lisbon Tourism and scientifically curated by Amélia Aguiar Andrade and Mário Farelo.

The launch of the e-book “Bread, meat and Water in Medieval Lisbon. Documentary Memories” will be part of a Conference Cycle, which will take place between 3 pm and 6pm and will focus on the theme of Medieval Lisbon.

The location and complete program will be announced soon.