At a time when the fragilities of the European Union are being debated, evoking the origins of the very idea of Europe (as well as the inherent feelings and identities), perceiving obstacles and limitations, but also continuities and permanences, can be of decisive importance for the years ahead.

In this context, this meeting aims to reflect on the composition and description of European landscapes (human and physical) in the transition period of the Respublica Christiana for a Europe conceived as an emerging scenario of national monarchies and great dynastic houses. If on the one hand it aims to inquire about the way in Portugal in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries the European space was projected, on the other aims to identify the nature of the representations then constructed.

On another level, we seek valid answers to key questions such as the nature and consistency of the relationship with the various European territories. Political, diplomatic and military contacts, as well as interactions of a religious and commercial nature, and also artistic circulation will be at the center of a multidisciplinary reflection.

The representations that supported the developed figurations denounced increasingly marked identities, but also brought with it, although in most cases little declared, the early evocations of an awareness of a space and a common cultural heritage.

Organized by Paulo Catarino Lopes as part of a postdoctoral project funded by the Foundation for Science and Technology (SFRH/BPD/97963/2013), this meeting will take place in Lisbon, at the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities of NOVA University of Lisbon (Tower B, Auditorium 1), on April 20-21.



Participation upon prior registration.

Registration is open until 17 April, by email to:

The conference has free admition for students (includes coffee breaks, documentation, attendance certificate). In this mode, a proof of the student’s quality must be sent along with the registration email.

For the general public has a cost of 5€ (includes coffee breaks, documentation, attendance certificate) [payment information will be available soon].