III Conference Cycle “Manuscritos de Alcobaça – Música e Liturgia”
3rd Session
Monastery of Alcobaça

The Director-General of Cultural Heritage, the Director of the Institute of Medieval Studies of Nova University of Lisbon and the Director of the Monastery of Alcobaça hereby invite you to the 3rd session in the III Conference Cycle “Manuscritos de Alcobaça – Música e Liturgia” (Alcobaça Manuscripts – Music and Liturgy), which will take place on 28 September, from 11 am, in the South Wing of the Monastery of Alcobaça, integrated into the European Heritage Days program.
Promoted by the Directorate-General for Cultural Heritage / Alcobaça Monastery, in partnership with the Institute of Medieval Studies of the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences, Nova University of Lisbon, within the context of appropriately pursuing the strategic goal of positioning the Alcobaça Monastery as a centre for the study and promotion of the history and spiritual and temporal heritage of the Cistercian Order, this third edition of the Alcobaça Manuscripts Conference Cycle, dedicated to the theme of “Music and Liturgy”, holds the promotion of the most recent research on the Alcobaça Monastery library codices as its main goals, now providing a comparative dimension and locally and globally contextualised through the participation of renowned Portuguese and Spanish researchers.
The intention of this 3rd edition, as with the previous conferences, in addition to bringing the general public closer to this vast and complex heritage that was a fundamental component of the identity of the Alcobaça Cistercian monastic community, involves enhancing its internationalisation as part of the global strategy for the ongoing management of this monument.
This initiative also forms part of the research project “Cistercian Horizons. Studying and characterising a medieval scriptorium and its production. Alcobaça. Local identities and liturgical uniformity in dialogue” (PTDC/ART-HIS/29522/2017), of which DGPC/Monastery of Alcobaça is a partner entity, and also the IEM’s research lines in keeping with one of its core missions: the dissemination of research to the most varied audiences, research that leaves the academy and, without losing its scientific rigor, is disseminated through promoting the heritage that belongs to us all but which, for issues related to its fragility and conservation, is less accessible to the public.
Date: 28 September, 2019
Timetable: 11am-5pm
Location: Alcobaça, Monastery of Alcobaça, South Wing (free entrance)
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