I Conference Cycle “Viver, ler e rezar no Mosteiro de Lorvão (séculos XIII a XVI)”: “A presença de textos normativos sobre as Ordens Militares nos códices do Mosteiro de Lorvão” – Luís Filipe Oliveira (University of the Algarve and IEM – NOVA FCSH)
16.03.2022 | 16:30
Zoom session

The Institute of Medieval Studies (NOVA FCSH) runs the Conference Cycle “Viver, ler e rezar no Mosteiro de Lorvão (séculos XIII a XVI)” (Living, reading and praying in Lorvão Abbey (13th to 16th centuries)), integrated into the project Books, Rituals and Space in a Cistercian Nunnery. Living, Praying and Reading in Lorvão, 13th-16th centuries (ref. PTDC/ART-HIS/0739/2020), financed by national funding through the FCT – Foundation for Science and Technology.
This cycle aims to stimulate and renew studies on Lorvão Abbey in the period following the entrance of Cistercian nuns in 1211 across various facets and thus opening an opportunity for debate around several themes (the political and religious context of the arrival of the nuns in Lorvão, memory and archives, spaces and liturgy, institutions and powers, images and representations) and fostering comparative perspectives with other Peninsular monastic communities.
The monthly sessions are held on Zoom and open to all interested parties.
The next Conference on 16th March 2022, entitled “A presença de textos normativos sobre as Ordens Militares nos códices do Mosteiro de Lorvão” (The presence of normative texts about the Military Orders in the codices of Lorvão Abbey) is given by Prof. Luís Filipe Oliveira (University of Algarve and IEM – NOVA FCSH).
Past conference recordings available at: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL2g0AhCDaozEkZ5enFFRooidBwhCCeN2R