
International Conference: “Bases de dados arquivísticas entre o projecto e a comunidade”

International Conference "Archive databases between project and community” "Free software and proprietary software", "Digital platforms at the service of History" and "AtoM between descriptive metadata and the reconstitution of archives" feature among the main themes of this international workshop, promoted by the VINCULUM project, which brings together a group of experts from various nationalities to […]

Workshop “Bases de dados arquivísticas em open source para historiadores”

This workshop’s objective involves enabling historians and researchers who handle archival sources to use open source databases such as AtoM and Archivematica, components of the Trusted Digital Archival Repositories - RDC-Arq, specifically designed for digital preservation and for the large-scale representation and dissemination of archival information and thereby ensuring long-term access. The workshop therefore focuses […]

Seminar in Medieval Studies: “La transposition du langage juridique au langage figuratif. Quelques exemples tirés des manuscrits de « droit civil » de la BnF (XIII-XIV siècle)” – Viviana Persi (Centre d’Histoire Judiciaire – Université de Lille 2)

This contribution analyzes the illustrations of the Corpus iuris civilis contained in a group of manuscripts currently held in the Latin collection and in the new Latin acquisitions of the BnF. This corpus includes about forty illuminated manuscripts from the thirteenth (early) and fourteenth (mid) centuries in northern Italy, southern France and Catalonia. It is […]

International Seminar on Medieval Religious History: “Place, Pilgrimage and Holy Sites in ‘The Book of Sir John Mandeville’” – Marianne O’Doherty (University of Southampton)

The Institute of Medieval Studies (IEM-NOVA FCSH), in partnership with the Centre of Religious History Studies (UCP-CEHR), is hosting the International Seminar on Medieval Religious History, which thus resumes, albeit with a new structure and scope, the traditions of the previous cycles of this Seminar on Medieval Religious History, broken off in 2013. In the […]

Cycle of Conversations: Medieval Leiria

Under the auspices of Medieval Leiria event, this year focused on the Leiria Courts of 1438, Leiria Municipal Council, in partnership with the Institute of Medieval Studies of the School of Social Sciences and Humanities, NOVA University and the Portuguese Society of Medieval Studies, is presenting a cycle of "Conversations" dedicated to the aforementioned theme. Under […]

MedCrafts Project Final Congress

The final congress of the MedCrafts project is taking place at the University of Minho on 7, 8 and 9 September. This will feature the presentation of the research results produced over the last four years and with speeches by the three international consultants, the medieval crafts experts: Germán Navarro Espinach, Ricardo Córdoba de la […]

4th Workshop on Juridical Culture: Jurists and the Medieval State. Varieties and Development of a Symbiotic Relationship, 1100-1500

The "4th Workshop on Legal Culture - Jurists and the Medieval State 1000-1500: Varieties and the Development of a Symbiotic Relationship" is taking place at the School of Social Sciences and Humanities, NOVA University (Almada Negreiros College) between 7 and 9 September 2022. This workshop brings together sixteen international specialists in the history of medieval […]

Seminar in Medieval Studies: “Fray Lope de Olmedo y la «Reforma» Monástica en la Orden de San Jerónimo (1373 – 1567)” – María del Pilar Abellan Millán (Universitat de Barcelona)

The Order of Saint Jerome has mainly been studied from an institutionalist and "triumphalist" point of view. The research underlying this speech aims to generate new perspectives, especially in terms of spirituality, while also attempting to understand Fray Lope's proposed reforms, his new Congregation in the Observant movement, and then compare this with other Orders […]

I Conference Cycle “Viver, ler e rezar no Mosteiro de Lorvão (séculos XIII a XVI) (13th to 16th centuries)”: “O padroado do Mosteiro de Lorvão nas paróquias urbanas de Coimbra: São Bartolomeu e São Pedro de Almedina” – Maria Amélia Álvaro de Campos and Luís Miguel Rêpas (CHSC and IEM)

The Institute of Medieval Studies (NOVA FCSH) is staging the "Ciclo de Conferências Viver, ler e rezar no Mosteiro de Lorvão (séculos XIII a XVI)" (Living, reading and praying in Lorvão Abbey (13th to 16th centuries)) Conference Cycle, integrated into the Books, Rituals and Space in a Cistercian Nunnery. Living, Praying and Reading in Lorvão, […]

3rd International Workshop of the IUS ILLUMINATUM Research Team – The Illuminated Legal Manuscript. Research in Progress

To celebrate its fourth year, the IUS ILLUMINATUM Research Workshop will host on 20 September 2022, in collaboration with the Institute of Medieval Studies (IEM) of NOVA FCSH and the Fondazione Biblioteca Capitolare di Verona (Italy), with the sponsorship of the Italian Cultural Institute of Lisbon, an international workshop entitled: "The Illuminated Legal Manuscript. Research […]