Past Events from 03.10.2024 – 15.07.2024 | Page 3 | Instituto de Estudos Medievais


IV Congress of the Association of Portuguese Archaeologists

The IV congress of the Association of Portuguese Archaeologists will take place between the 22nd and the 25th of November, at the Faculdade de Letras of the University of Coimbra. The event, which will bring together more than 300 archaeologists, is organized into ten thematic sessions, a poster session, two visits, and the launch of the AAP Monographs. The […]

International Congress “Olisipo Entre Mares”

CAL—Lisbon Archeology Center, part of the Lisbon City Council, organizes the 1st Olisipo Entre Mares International Congress. Between November 23rd and 25th, at the Centro Cultural de Belém, 10 lectures will be held, and 13 new studies and investigations will be presented, with the participation of around 30 experts. As part of the celebrations of […]

Seminar in Medieval Studies: “Pesos e Medidas em Portugal” | António Manuel Félix Baptista Neves

The Seminar in Medieval Studies: “Pesos e Medidas em Portugal” (Weights and Measures in Portugal), by António Manuel Félix Baptista Neves, will take place on November 23rd, at 4pm, online (via Zoom). Abstract: This communication aims to address the evolution of weights and measures used in Portugal, from the beginning of nationality to contemporary times. The History […]

“Representações, imaginário e experiências Atlânticas. Séculos V-XVI” Seminar

The Seminar "Representações, imaginário e experiências Atlânticas. Séculos V-XVI" (Representations, imaginary and Atlantic experiences. 5th-16th Centuries), organized by the researcher Kevin R. Wittmann, will take place on November 24th, at Colégio Almada Negreiros, Lisbon, at 9:00 am, in the SD room (floor 0). The Atlantic Ocean has had an undeniable importance in the historical processes […]

Making and Moving Consumables 500–1000. From the Local to the Wider World: Sources, Methods and Approaches

The international meeting "Making and Moving Consumables 500–1000. From the Local to the Wider World: Sources, Methods and Approaches", which is organized by IEM and the University of Tubingen, brings together several European experts from the fields of History and Archaeology, and will take place between the 29th and 30th November, at Colégio Almada Negreiros. This group of researchers, […]

International Congress “Forais Medievais Peninsulares (séculos XII a XV): uma abordagem histórica e linguística”

The International Congress Forais Medievais Peninsulares (séculos XII a XV): uma abordagem histórica e linguística will be held on the 29th and 30th of November 2023. It is organized by IEM as part of its collaboration in the iForal project, coordinated by Filipa Roldão and Joan Serafim. The meeting, which will take place in person, will feature some of the best specialists […]

IEM Conference: Le società urbane dell’Italia settentrionale nell’alto medioevo. Una comparazione tra Lucca e Verona | Marco Stoffella

The IEM Conference, dedicated to the theme "Le società urbane dell'Italia settentrionale nell'alto medioevo. Una comparazione tra Lucca e Verona", led by Marco Stoffella, will take place on November 30th, at Colégio Almada Negreiros, room SD. Marco Stoffella is a Professor at the University of Verona and a specialist in the High Middle Ages of Italy. His research […]

3rd Session | Seminar Cycle “Rethinking the Archive(s)/ Repensar o(s) Arquivo(s)”

The 3rd session of the Seminar Cycle "Rethinking the Archive(s)/ Repensar o(s) Arquivo(s)" will be held on December 6th at 2:30 p.m. The communication "Épistémologie des sources / A epistemologia das fontes", will be presented by Joseph Morsel (Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne), with Maria de Lurdes Rosa (IEM; FCSH-UNL) comments.

2nd Edition Film Festival: “Luz e Sombra. Representações da Idade Média no cinema”

The Cinema Festival “Luz e Sombra. Representações da Idade Média no cinema” (“Light and Shadow. Representations of the Middle Ages in cinema”) had its first edition in 2022 at the Cinemateca Portuguesa, Museu do Cinema (Lisbon, Portugal). As part of a collaboration agreement between Universidade NOVA de Lisboa and Cinemateca Portuguesa, a total of twenty-three feature films were […]

Workshop on science communication and writing for non-specialized audiences

On December 7th, the Institute for Medieval Studies promotes a science communication and writing workshop for non-specialized audiences. The entire scientific community at IEM and FCSH is invited to participate in this workshop, which is divided into two sessions: the first, led by Beatriz Gil, where the importance of communicating science and how we should do it will […]

Seminar in Medieval Studies: “The Holy Emperor Maximilian I and the House of Avis: notes on Portuguese-German political-diplomatic and dynastic relations at the turn of the 15th century to the 16th century” | Jürgen Pohle

The last Medieval Studies Seminar of the year will be dedicated to the theme "O sacro imperador Maximiliano I e a Casa de Avis: notas sobre as relações político-diplomáticas e dinásticas luso-alemãs na viragem do século XV para o século XVI” ("The Holy Emperor Maximilian I and the House of Avis: notes on Portuguese-German political-diplomatic […]

Webinar “From choosing the database to the strategy for digital preservation”

Organized by IEM, the Webinar "Da escolha da base de dados à estratégia para preservação digital" ("From choosing the database to the strategy for digital preservation"), will take place on January 17th, between 9:30 am and 12:30 pm, online. The main objective of the webinar is to share practices and solutions based on Free and Open Software that allow […]