
XIV Encuentros Internacionales del Medievo – Exclusión y disciplina social en la ciudad medieval europea

The international meetings at Nájera seek to provide a forum for the discussion of all aspects of medieval studies. Each congress has an interdisciplinary thematic strand that aims to contribute to the understanding, revision and updating of knowledge about the Middle Ages, through discussion led annually by different specialists. The XIV International Meeting will take […]

2nd Workshop Internacional “Dialogues in Late Medieval Mediterranean: Between East and West”

The aim of the 2nd International Workshop “Dialogues in Late Medieval Mediterranean: Between East and West”, which will take place at Alhambra of Granada (Spain), is to establish an exchange opportunity to analyse the cultural legacy of the Western Islamic societies from different and complementary perspectives. To achieve this aim, a double objective has been proposed: […]

1st International Seminar “Arquitecturas da Alma: a Construção do Ermo dentro e fora da Cidade”

The 1st International Seminar “Arquitecturas da Alma: a Construção do Ermo dentro e fora da Cidade” aims to promote the scientific study and discussion of architecture associated with spiritual practices centered on the search for the wilderness and the experience of solitude. It will privilege both a multidisciplinary approach, at the crossroads between different fields […]

“D. Lourenço Vicente: Um Arcebispo em Tempo de Mudança”

The 620 years since the death of D. Lourenço Vicente are the pretext for revisiting the itinerary and figure of this intriguing and energetic Archbishop of Braga. Born in Lourinhã, he was one of the first and most loyal supporters of King D. João I. In times of dynastic change and great political and military […]

International Congress “Catedrales y mezquitas constructoras de la memoria y el paisaje urbano en la Europa Meridional (s. XII – s. XIV)”

The Institute of Medieval Studies of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities of the New University of Lisbon in partnership with the Institut de Recerca Històrica of the Universitat de Girona, together with the research group "TEMPLA - Taller d'Estudis Medievals" and the research project Recercaixa "Cathedral cities: memories, landscapes and identitarian heritage of […]

Conference: “Urbanismo e religiosidade no califado almóada”, by Dolores Villalba Sola

The religious component is fundamental in the creation and establishment of the Almohad Caliphate (12th-13th centuries), due to its origin from a religious movement. In this conference we will focus on the importance of religiosity in the historical and cultural construction of the Almohad Caliphate. The central objective is therefore related to an essential question: […]

International Conference “Medieval Europe in Motion IV”

The program for the next “International Conference, Medieval Europe in Motion IV - The Middle Ages, A Global Context?”, organized by the Instituto for Medieval Studies, that will be held in Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian (Lisbon, Portugal - 13-15 December 2017) is now available. The Congress will feature some of the best renowned specialists in their […]

“Medieval Studies Doctoral Students Conference”

Integrated into the intensive week of the first edition of the PhD in Medieval Studies in an e-learning regime (Doctoral Retreat), offered jointly by NOVA FCSH and Universidade Aberta, there are two free entrance initiatives open to the general public taking place between 8th and 12th January: The Medieval Studies Doctoral Degree Cycle of Conferences […]

Medieval Studies Doctoral Students Conference

Integrated into the intensive week of the first edition of the PhD in Medieval Studies in an e-learning regime (Doctoral Retreat), run jointly by NOVA FCSH and Universidade Aberta, two initiatives open to the general public and with free entrance are taking place from 8 to 12 January: the PhD in Medieval Studies Conference Cycle […]