
“O Medievalismo no século XXI”

On 21st and 22nd June, Santarém is welcoming the 12th Conference of the Portuguese Branch of the Hispanic Association for Medieval Literature. Nearly twenty national and international specialists will debate the proposed theme: "O Medievalismo no século XXI" (Medievalism in the 21st Century) These specialised scientific meetings have taken place every two years since 1996 […]

Seminar Cycle «Tesouros em pergaminho»: Livro de Horas de Isabel da Bretanha

Speaker: Ragnhild M. Bø The Book of Hours LA237 was illuminated by the so-called Master of Bedford for Princess Joan of France around 1415. The Book contains 32 full-page miniatures, each surrounded by small records with episodes alluding to the central theme, except for two. These two are inspired by images from Gautier de Coincy's […]

Conference “Representações da infância: dinâmicas e transversalidades”

CRIA – the Network Centre for Anthropology Research and the Institute of Medieval Studies (IEM) are organizing the conference "Representações da infância: dinâmicas e transversalidades" (Representations of Childhood: Dynamics and Transversalities), to be held on 8 June at the School of Social Sciences and Humanities, NOVA University (NOVA FCSH). The concept of child closely relates […]

The IEM at the Heritage Festival 2018

On 30 June, the Institute of Medieval Studies, the School of Social Sciences and Humanities, NOVA University (IEM-NOVA FCSH) is actively participating in the Heritage Festival 2018, staged annually by the Directorate-General for Cultural Heritage (DGPC), at the National Palace of Ajuda and its surrounding gardens. Between 11am and 5pm, IEM-NOVA FCSH, in cooperation with […]

Seminar Cycle «Tesouros em pergaminho»: Livro de Horas

Speaker: Ana Cristina Lemos Book of Hours from the second half of the 15th century, attributed to Master François, LA147 is said to have belonged to René II de Lorraine, who is represented kneeling before the Virgin and the Child in the illumination that opens the prayer Obsecro te. With our communication, we intend to […]

Seminar Cycle «Tesouros em pergaminho»: Livro de Horas

Speaker: Ana Lemos A Book of Hours from the second half of the 15th century, attributed to Master François, LA147 is said to have belonged to René II of Lorraine, who is depicted kneeling before the Virgin and Child in the illumination that opens the Obsecro te prayer. With our presentation, we intend to pay […]

International Conference and Summer School “Reconstituição Digital da Arquitetura Religiosa / Digital Survey in Religious Architecture”

This program aims to provide participants with the knowledge and skills needed to undertake digital reconstructions of religious heritage, combining theoretical lessons with a strong practical component. Based on concrete cases, each participant will be able to go through the various stages of 3D reconstruction using the appropriate equipment and technology: survey and data processing, […]

2nd Interdisciplinary Research Seminar: “Manuscritos em Diálogo”

The interdisciplinary "Manuscritos em Diálogo" (Manuscripts in Dialogue) research seminars are jointly organised by CESEM and IEM. These seminars were designed as didactic events with the goal of disseminating relevant information for the study and description of different types of medieval manuscripts, with a particular focus on Iberian sources. These seminars aim to create bridges […]