
Seminar cycle «Tesouros em pergaminho»: Breviário do Duque Hércules de Ferrara

Speaker: Paula Cardoso and Catarina Tibúrcio Hercules I d'Este, Duke of Ferrara and Módena between 1471 and 1505, made a decisive contribution to Ferrara's prosperity. His patronage of the arts, an activity he greatly developed, was a fundamental part of his strategy of political affirmation through strengthening the cultural identity. One of the luxurious manuscripts […]

3rd event of the 2nd Interdisciplinary Research Seminar: “Manuscritos em Diálogo”

Communication:Imperial papyri and Byzantine manuscripts: the (dis)continuity of Greek mythography, by Nereida Villagra (CEC-FLUL) Already in the 19th century, Johannes Panzer had hypothesised that part of the mythographic accounts preserved on Homer in the minor scholia derived from a mythographic commentary, the so-called "Mythographus Homericus". In the 20th century, the discovery and publication of several […]

37th Dyes in History and Archaeology Meeting

The 37th Dyes in History and Archaeology Meeting is taking place in Portugal, on 25-26 October 2018, at the Faculty of Science and Technology, NOVA University (FCT/NOVA) - Caparica Campus. This meeting is organised by the Department of Conservation and Restoration and Requimte of FCT/NOVA, IST - Instituto Superior Técnico/University of Lisbon, the Diocesan Museum […]

International Seminar: “Central Governments and the Resolution of Maritime Conflicts, 1200–1600”

The Maritime Conflict Management in Atlantic Europe, 1200-1600 project, run by Louis Sicking (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Universiteit Leiden) and funded by the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO), sets out to study the various forms of maritime conflict resolution in Medieval Europe with the aim of contributing to answering roughly four questions: What role did […]

2nd International Seminar “Architectures of the Soul”

The 2nd International Seminar "Architectures of the Soul" aims to promote the scientific study and discussion of architecture associated with spiritual practices centred on the search for the wilderness and the experience of solitude. A multidisciplinary approach will be favoured at the crossroads between different fields of knowledge and perspectives - history, architecture, landscape architecture, […]

Series of seminars «Tesouros em pergaminho»: Des Clères et Nobles Femmes

Speaker: Etelvina Fernández González In the context of present-day Europe, in which women increasingly occupy a leading role in various fields - such as science, art, literary and political activities -, having achieved progressive levels of independence at all levels, the example of Cristina de Pisano anticipates this situation by several centuries. In this sense, […]

“D. Lourenço Vicente: Memória(s) e Representações” Conference

The Conference "D. Lourenço Vicente: Memória(s) e Representações" (Lourenço Vicente Conference: Memory(s) and Representations) completes the itinerary that began around the figure of Archbishop Lourenço Vicente in 2017, completing the study of the itinerary of this prelate from Braga and royal counsellor, with various diversions along this path for which we constituted different memories and […]

“O Mar no Imaginário Religioso: Cultos, Espaços, Representações”

The Sea in Religious Imaginary: Cults, Spaces, Representations   Throughout history, the oceans and seas have always provoked different reactions in the human imagination. They were environments of mystery, fear and the unknown. Invading peoples arrived, pirates and corsairs, floods and storms, spreading destruction and chaos. Whoever dared challenge the sea faced other dangers, such […]