
Seminar Cycle: «Tesouros em Pergaminho» – Esqueletos no armário? A conservação e restauro de manuscritos na encruzilhada do século XXI

The final session in this seminar cycle focuses on the preservation and restoration of medieval illuminations, based on the research coordinated by Maria João Melo and Adelaide Miranda and, more recently, Graça Videira Lopes. A historical, artistic and literary heritage of unparalleled value, the illuminated manuscript is one of the most original artistic and cultural […]

International Conference “Um Reino de Mulheres: Expressões literárias, culturais e artísticas nas instituições monástico-conventuais femininas”

The Institute of Medieval Studies, the School of Social Sciences and Humanities, NOVA University, is associated with the International Conference “Um Reino de Mulheres: Expressões literárias, culturais e artísticas nas instituições monástico-conventuais femininas” (A Kingdom of Women: Literary, Cultural and Artistic Expressions in Female Monastic and Conventual Institutions), an initiative that seeks, through collaboration between […]

Defining space in early medieval Europe: Language, materiality and social practice

Organised within the framework of the FEDE project "Dividing space in early medieval Iberia (AD700-1035): Forms, scales and actors" (HAR2016-76094-C4-3-R), this workshop aims to bring together a group of specialists in different European spaces (Iberian Peninsula, Great Britain, Germany) in order to discuss the problems around defining and delimiting space in the Early Middle Ages. […]

EMCAM 2019 – Early Medieval Countryside Archaeological Meetings

The goal of these Meetings is to create a gathering place for the lead researchers on rural archaeology; an opportunity to debate the state of the research, incorporate and discuss new data and to reflect on future common strategies.  The 2019 EMCAM edition will take place at Castelo de Vide (Alentejo, Portugal) during May, 2nd-4th, […]

“Medievalismos luso-tropicais, orientais e pós-luso-tropicais: encruzilhadas da definição da Idade Média portuguesa como passado do Brasil. c. 1850-c. 1980”

More than three decades after the death of Gilberto Freyre, the Institute of Medieval Studies (IEM), the Institute of Contemporary History (IHC) and the Práticas da História journal have opened this space for academic discussion on the uses of the Middle Ages in the construction of Luso-Brazilian identity(ies) in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Following […]

Seminar in Medieval Studies – “Entre a Flandres e Portugal no século XV: Maarten Lem / Martim Leme”, by Jacques Paviot and Margarida Leme

The relationships and exchanges between entities (political, economic and military) can advantageously be clarified from their actors. Flamengo Maarten Lem is a good example of this, although numerous questions remain regarding him. Its origins are little known. He came to settle in Portugal in the 1430s (?) and established himself here as a merchant, becoming […]

International Congress: “Historiographical Narrative, the Great Schism and the Hundred Years War (1337-1453): Discourse, Religiosity and Reality”

The International Congress: “Historiographical Narrative, the Great Schism and the Hundred Years War (1337-1453): Discourse, Religiosity and Reality”, to be held in Lisboa at NOVA School of Social Sciences and Humanities of Universidade Nova de Lisboa, during the 30th-31st May, 2019, is dedicated to the study of medieval chronicles as historical sources, both through analysis […]