
Seminar in Medieval Studies: “Revivalismos medievais na definição identitária de uma família aristocrática no ocaso da monarquia: o programa iconográfico do palácio da Rosa, em Lisboa” – Miguel Metelo de Seixas

In 1888, the heiress of the House of Castelo Melhor married the 3rd Viscount of Várzea. In 1901, both assumed the title of Marquises of Castelo Melhor - she by right, he by marriage. As the palace belonging to these holders in Lisbon, in Passeio Público, had been sold to the Marquis of Foz, the […]

Meeting of the IEM External Scientific Committee

The meeting of the External Scientific Committee for Monitoring the Institute for Medieval Studies (IEM) will take place on February 21st at the Campus de Campolide, Colégio Almada Negreiros, room A13, floor -1. This is a key meeting in the critical evaluation of the IEM's activities and progress, as well as of the proposals for […]

Seminar in Medieval Studies: “Os Sufis no Garb al-Andalus. Vivências e convivências, entre os séculos X e XIII” – António Rei (IEM – NOVA FCSH)

The aim of this conference is to identify and list the Muslim mystics (Sufis) known to be present in Ġarb al-Andalus between the tenth and thirteenth centuries, detailing their social and cultural origins, their journeys, experiences and relationships with the different political, military and legal powers in al-Andalus over these centuries. The time period under […]

Webinar “A sociedade política das cidades da Península ibérica na Baixa Idade Média: ofícios, mobilidade social e relações de poder”

NOVA FCSH's IEM and UÉ's CIDEHUS are organizing, with the support of UAb, the Webinar and Asynchronous Seminar - The political society of cities in the Lower Middle Ages: trades, mobility and power relations ("A sociedade política das cidades da Península ibérica na Baixa Idade Média: ofícios, mobilidade social e relações de poder"). Initially planned […]

Workshop “MedCrafts – Os mesteres na cidade medieval portuguesa”

The activity "MedCrafts - Os mesteres na cidade medieval portuguesa" (MedCrafts - Craftsmanship in Portuguese medieval cities) is jointly organised by the Centre for the History of Society and Culture, of the Department of History, European Studies, Archaeology and Arts, the University of Coimbra and the research project MEDCRAFTS - The regulation of craftsmanship in […]

International Webinar “Heráldica em Manuscritos Jurídicos Europeus Itinerantes”

The webinar "Heraldry in Traveling European Legal Manuscripts" is part of the research project "ManJusEurIt - European Traveling Legal Manuscripts" conducted by Maria Alessandra Bilotta, also linked to activities of the IUS ILLUMINATUM research team scientifically coordinated by the same researcher.  The webinar is organized by the Institute of Medieval Studies (IEM-FCSH/NOVA), together with the […]

Seminar in Medieval Studies: “The Slavic Alexanders: Classic models for New Princes” – Susana Torres Prieto

The Alexander Romance was widely known across all the Slavic realm. Alexander of Macedon was indeed the only Classical hero known in pre-modern literature in Slavic. The present conference will analyse the various translations and adaptations made from either Greek, Latin or German into Slavic and the wider cultural, and political, repercussions of adopting the […]

VISEU HERITAGE Conferences – O que andamos a fazer na Cava?

Next Wednesday, at 6.30 p.m., we'll resume the VISEU PATRIMÓNIO Conferences with researchers Catarina Tente and Tomás Cordero Ruiz, who will talk to us about the ongoing research at Cava de Viriato. The Cava was defined as one of the priorities of the 2nd phase of the VISEU PATRIMÓNIO municipal program, because it is an […]

Doctoral Student’s Day 2020

As has been happening regularly, this year the IEM will also stage its Doctoral Student's Day. This initiative aims at promoting the sharing and discussion of ongoing PhD projects in the field of Medieval Studies as well as the expectations and needs of the respective researchers. This year, besides the usual round-table discussion on the […]