
II International Workshop of the IUS ILLUMINATUM Research Workshop

To celebrate its first year of existence, the IUS ILLUMINATUM Research Workshop is organizing on September 22, 2020, in collaboration with the Institute of Medieval Studies (IEM) of NOVA FCSH, the Portuguese Institute of Heraldry, the Fondazione Museo del Tesoro del Duomo e Archivio Capitolare di Vercelli (Italia) and the Società Storica Vercellese (Italia), an […]

3rd International Seminar “Architectures of the Soul”

The 3rd International Seminar "Architectures of the Soul" aims to promote scientific study and discussion on architecture associated with spiritual practices centred on the search for the wilderness and the experience of solitude. A multidisciplinary approach will be favoured, at the crossroads between different fields of knowledge and perspectives - between history, architecture, landscape architecture, […]

Seminar in Medieval Studies: “Perilous Paths: Obstacles during Pilgrimage Travel in Later Middle Ages England and Ireland” – Kara Kersh (Trinity College Dublin)

Significant literature has been produced about pilgrimages which led travellers to far away destinations on dangerous paths, but pilgrims travelling to local sites within their own countries also faced perilous setbacks. In exploring these various challenges, it is hoped to inspire further research into these local pilgrimages in order to better appreciate medieval culture, their […]

Autumn School 2020

The Institute for Medieval Studies (IEM – NOVA FCSH) and the Municipality of Castelo de Vide are organizing a Autumn School for twenty Master’s and PhD students in medieval studies, that will take place during the 6th and the 7th of October in Castelo de Vide. The goal of this initiative is to create a place for […]

International Conference “Inquirições e poder na Europa medieval (séc. XII-XIV). Nos 800 anos das inquirições do rei Afonso II de Portugal”

Taking as its starting point commemorations of the 800th anniversary of the General Census ordered by King Afonso II of Portugal, this international conference aims to promote reflection on the importance and significance of this survey in the context of the medieval West and the processes of construction and political affirmation of the monarchies and […]

2nd Conference IEM 2020: “Eucharistic Materiality and Lay Liturgical Experiences in the Early Middle Ages” – Juliette Day

Professor Juliette Day will deliver a present a communictation entitled "Eucharistic Materiality and Lay Liturgical Experiences in the Early Middle Ages" as part of the IEM Conference Cycle, following up and developing the theme already more succinctly presented at the last edition of the "Medieval Europe in Motion" International Congress, held at the Monastery of […]

Undergraduate class and postgraduate seminar, taught by Professor Juliette Day

On 27 and 28 October 2020, Professor Juliette Day will give a lecture and a postgraduate seminar, via Zoom, to undergraduate and postgraduate students of the School of Social Sciences and Humanities, NOVA University (NOVA FCSH), respectively on the "Liturgy and architecture of the 4th century Jerusalem" and on the methodologies, problems and potentials associated […]

Seminar in Medieval Studies: “O papel da história nas Cantigas de Santa Maria na Península Ibérica: inspiradora de novos milagres ou destino de velhos prodígios?” – Manuel Negri (Santiago de Compostela Univ.)

Despite the existence of many studies on the sources and the circumstances that would lead to the composition of the Cantigas de Santa Maria (Songbook), elaborated in the scriptorium of the Castilian-Leonese King Alfonso X during the second half of the 13th century, many questions still remain unanswered before there is a satisfactory explanation whether […]

Colloquium “O Feminismo nos Arquivos”

The Colloquium "O Feminismo nos Arquivos" (Females in the Archives) takes place between 16 and 18 November 2020, broadcast live online. This represents an initiative by the Regional Directorate of Culture, through the Public Library and Regional Archive of Ponta Delgada, through an ongoing scientific partnership with CHAM Azores, a unit of the Humanities Research […]

International Meeting RIMS “Research in Medieval Studies – Production and Commerce in Europe, 1100-1550”

RiMS - Research in Medieval Studies aims to raise awareness of the latest scientific advances and discuss innovative approaches to medievalism at the international level.  The first meeting (26 and 27 November) will discuss the linkage between production and trade across several European regions over an extended timeline. Factors such as technical and technological innovation, […]

International Congress: “Using the Past: The Middle Ages in the Spotlight”

The international conference “Using the Past: The Middle Ages in the Spotlight” will take place at the Monastery of Santa Maria da Vitória (Batalha, Portugal) on December 9–12, 2020.  The conference aims at bringing together scholars from all around the world concerned with the uses of the medieval past. Participants will address when, where, how, […]