The Institute of Medieval Studies and Castelo de Vide Municipal Council are pleased to invite you to the presentation of the book “Pequenas Cidades no Tempo. O ambiente e outros temas” (Small Towns in Time – The Environment and Other Themes), edited by Adelaide Millán da Costa and Sara Prata. The presentation, by Professor Julián Clemente (U. Extremadura) takes part during the conference “Pequenas Cidades e Saúde da Idade Média à Época Contemporânea – Assistência Médica, Instituições Sanitárias, Políticas Urbanas de Higiene” (Small Towns and Health from the Middle Ages to the Contemporary Era – Medical Care, Sanitary Institutions, Urban Hygiene Policies), which is taking place on 6, 7 and 8 May 2021, exclusively in a virtual format via the Zoom platform.

The launch takes place on 6th May at 9:30am via the Zoom platform.

For further information and registration, please contact: