It is with great pleasure that we may announced that edition no. 30 is now available. This Medievalista opens with another expression of condolences brought about by the death of three illustrious researchers: José Marques, Filomena Barros and Helena Avelar: three names who leave very significant legacies in diverse fields, from the history of the Church and ecclesiastical institutions to ethnic-religious minorities and the complex study of their relationships with the Christian majority, and even astrology and its important role in the framing of the medieval worldview and scientific knowledge. The contents of this issue feature a thematic dossier, coordinated by Luís Filipe Oliveira and Gregory Leighton, on the world of military orders. The international character of a significant proportion of the orders studied, from the Templars to the Knights Hospitaller to Calatrava, also allows for a great diversity of contributions and perspectives. The remaining articles, reviews, thesis presentations and news items show and extend the diversity and plurality of themes and perspectives as well as attesting to the vitality and resilience of medieval studies in times of pandemic.

Journal available at: