Alejandro Pombo Rial
Carmen Poblete Trichilet
Carmen Poblete Trichilet
Universidad Castilla – La Mancha, Spain
Carmen Poblete Trichilet is graduated in History of Art (2018) and Master in Research in Literature and Humanities (2019) from the University of Castilla – La Mancha, both finishing with Premio Extraordinario. She is currently a contract researcher at the Department of History of Art at the same university, where she is pursuing her PhD, entitled Promoción artística y coleccionismo de las élites femeninas en la Corte
de Isabel la Católica, under the guidance of Doctor Sonia Morales Cano (University of Castilla – La Mancha) and Doctor Sonia Caballero Escamilla (University of Granada).
Her area of research focuses primarily on analyzing female agency in Castile in the Late Middle Ages and early Modern Age, focusing on the construction of artistic heritage.
She is a member of the Asociación Española de Investigación en Historia de las Mujeres (AEIHN), the Comité Española de Historia da Arte (CEHA), the Asociación Profesional de Historiadores del Arte (Aproha), and the Sociedad Española de Estudios Medievales (SEEM). In January 2021, she was admitted as a member of the Sociedad Española de Excelencia Académica (SEDEA).
Since November 2020, she has been part of the team of the subproject Reinas e infantas de las monarquías ibéricas: espacios religiosos, modelos de representación y escrituras ca. 1252-1504 (ref. PGC2018-099205-B-C21, Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities/AEI/FEDER 2019-2021), directed by Doctor Ángela Muñoz Fernández (University of Castilla – La Mancha), included in the I+D Las mujeres en las monarquías ibéricas: Paradigmas institucionales, agencias políticas y modelos culturales, in which her doctoral thesis is framed.
In 2022, she joined the team of the UCLM Consolidated Research Group for Literature and Art Studies led by Professors Margarita Rigal Aragão and Fernando González Moreno.
Joan Beltran Todolí
Joan Beltran Todolí
Universidad de Salamanca, Spain
Joan Beltran Todolí is a pre-doctoral fellow at the University of Salamanca associated with the People & Writing – ERC StG Research Project (2020-2025). His research field centres on the History of Written Culture, Written Communication, Palaeography and Diplomatics in the Late Middle Ages. At present, he conducts research on the chancery of the Crown of Aragon, as well as the political and social significance of writing during the Middle Ages.
Previously, he earned a BA degree in History from the University of València. During his undergraduate degree, he spent a year at the University of Leicester in the UK as an Erasmus+ student. He later attained a Master’s degree in History of the Making of the Western World at the University of València, for which he received a special award. During this period, he also acquired a collaboration grant with the Department of Medieval History and Historiography Sciences and Techniques.
Sonia Campos Cuadrado
Sonia Campos Cuadrado
Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Espanha
Graduated in History from the Universidade Complutense de Madrid (2021) and Master in Medieval Studies from the same Institution (2022), with a thesis focused on analyzing the relations between Queen Urraca I of Leon and the Church. She interned at the PACNECON project and received a scholarship at the Department of American History and Medieval and Historiographical Sciences (2022).
Currently a doctoral student in the Area of Medieval History at the Department of History of America and Medieval and Historiographical Sciences, she is carrying out her thesis as part of the PhD program in History and Archeology (UCM).
She is also part of the team of the project Pacto, negociación y conflicto en la cultura política castellana (1230-1516) – PACNECON (PID2020-113794GB-I00) and the research group Sociedad, poder y cultura en la Corona de Castilla – siglos XIII al XVI – SPOCCAST. She has been a member of the Board of the Association of Young Medieval Researchers JIMENA since 2020 and has held the position of president since 2022.
Her main areas of research focus on the study of the figure of the queen as an agent of political and diplomatic action in the 11th-13th centuries.