IEM makes it publicly known the opening of a tender for the international selection of one Ph.D. researcher position, to carry out research in the scope of the Strategic Project of the Institute for Medieval Studies (henceforth IEM), Programmatic Funding – UIDP/00749/2020.
The tender is open until the 19th of July and applications must be sent to the email: drhrecrutamento@fcsh.unl.pt, accompanied by the following documents:
a) Application form (available as a model) with an explicit mention of this procedure;
b) A copy of the certificate confirming the doctor’s degree and/or, if the degree was awarded by foreign higher education institutions, a declaration of honor in accordance with the specific draft (available here);
c) A copy of the candidate’s CV;
d) Research project and respective work plan;
e) Letter of Motivation.
The tender that now opens intends to select a doctoral researcher to develop a research project that falls within one of the areas of study contemplated in the strategic project of the IEM, namely:
- Medieval Lisbon;
- Military or Religious Architecture;
- Medieval Jewish Studies
Consult the announcement here.