Research Groups
The research, training and publication activities undertaken by Research Groups (RGs), which have varied both in number and theme since the founding of the IEM, demonstrate the evolutionary dynamics in place in this research unit. The 2014 reorganisation of the RGs, approved by the Scientific Consultancy Commission and by the FCT, resulted in the current two groups: “Territories and Powers: a “glocal” perspective” and “Images, Texts and Representations”. The evaluation carried out on the 2017-2018 period decided to make these RGs more flexible and above all deploy them as research framework structures and correspondingly becoming "People and Knowledge in Motion: Portugal in Trans-European Medieval Networks" and "Medieval Heritage and Material Culture" gathering the works and studies produced by researchers, who are to develop their specialist research areas within an environment of greater interactivity and internal articulation.
These RGs incorporate experienced researchers, recent doctorates, and master's and doctoral degree students and as well as 1st cycle students in processes of starting research activities and hence the fundamental role played by the sharing of experiences and group working in the development of their activities. Indeed, the RGs are not closed entities given that many of their activities, especially those with a public facet, resulting in the majority of cases from partnerships between the IEM RGs with other RUs at the FCSH or external, also including the international networks.