
New Vinculum Facebook page

ERC Project opens a new communication channel

New free course: “Desvendar um passado desconhecido. Criação de conteúdos e comunicação de ciência para História e turismo cultural e local”

30.09.2021 - 12.05.2022

Book launch: “Les archives familiales dans l’Occident médiéval et moderne”


Invitation to the Book Launch: “Governar a cidade na Europa Medieval”

1st International Congress of the Research Project IUS ILLUMINATUM – The Illuminated Legal Manuscript from the Middle Ages to the Digital Age. Forms, Iconographies, Materials, Uses and Cataloguing

22.09.2021 - 25.09.2021

Zoom sessions

IEM researcher Judit Gutiérrez de Armas wins a prestigious research award in Australia