
The Entail of the Month of July is dedicated to dedicated to the primogeniture entailment of Gonçalo Gil Barbosa and Mécia Mendes de Aguiar

The estate of Gonçalo Gil Barbosa and Mécia Mendes de Aguiar was established in Santarém in 1507.

The Entail of the month of August is dedicated to the Valong estate

The Valongo estate, located in Pinhel, was established by Sancho Martins and Maria Domingues, in 1357.

Tender call for a Master’s Degree grant on the IGAEDIS project

Applications until 16.08.2022

New supports and opportunities at the IEM 2022

Cycle of Conversations: Medieval Leiria

22.07.2022 - 24.07.2022

Igreja da Nossa Senhora da Pena, Leiria

“Os Livros de Receita e Despesa de Loulé (1375-1518)” in Revista História