
RiMS 2022 – State-Making and Diplomacy in Europe, 1050-1550

03.11.2022 - 04.11.2022

Room SE2, Colégio Almada Negreiros, Lisbon

IEM Conference “Armed in Alabaster: Monumental effigies and the Study of the late medieval armour” | Tobias Emanuel Capwell

02.11.2022 | 16:30

Sala SE1, Colégio Almada Negreiros, Lisbon

The Entail of the Month of October is dedicated to the entailment lineage of Pêro Viseu

The Pêro Viseu Estate located in Fundão, was established in 1696 by Luís Machado Freire, Prior of Pêro Viseu.

[CALL FOR ABSTRACTS] – Medievalista journal No. 35 (January-June 2024)

Submissions until 31.12.2022

Workshop “Archaeological Landscapes in Portugal. New opportunities and projects”


Torre B, Sala B201
Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas, Lisbon

Invitation | Book launch: “A Guerra Cristã na formação de portugal (1128 – 1249)”, by Carlos Filipe Afonso
