
Seminar “Práticas pedagógicas inovadoras”


Room 209, Colégio Almada Negreiros, Lisbon

International Seminar “Monarchies and Revolution: nineteenth century resiliences and ruptures (Portugal, Italy and Spain)”

20.10.2022 - 22.10.2022

Centro Cultural de Cascais, Fundação Dom Luís I

Seminar in Medieval Studies: “La construcción de las “Ruinas de Emérita” en época medieval (s.V-XV)” – Carlos Moran (CSIC)

19.10.2022 | 16:00

Zoom session

I Conference Cycle:  Viver, ler e rezar no Mosteiro de Lorvão (séculos XIII a XVI): “A comemoração da Paixão de Cristo no Mosteiro de Lorvão” – Mercedes Pérez Vidal

17.10.2022 | 16:30

Zoom Session

Conference José Medeiros Ferreira 2022: “Why the Middle Ages. On the relevance of a distant period” – Klaus Oschema (Ruhr-University Bochum)

14.10.2022 | 17:00

Sala 217, Colégio Almada Negreiros, Lisbon

International Conference “Constructing the other and the self. Representations of identity and otherness in the Middle Ages”

13.10.2022 - 14.10.2022

Salas CAN209 e CAN219
Colégio Almada Negreiros, Lisbon
Sessões Zoom